64-360 Lecture Machine Learning

Course offering details

Instructors: Prof. Dr. Sören Laue

Event type: Lecture

Displayed in timetable as: ML-VL

Hours per week: 4

Credits: 6,0

Language of instruction: English

Min. | Max. participants: - | 125


  • Formal Foundations of Machine Learning (Minimization of Functions, Convexity, Underfitting, Overfitting, Model Complexity, Bias-Variance Tradeoff, Regularization, Maximum Likelihood, Maximum A Posteriori Principle, Empirical Risk Minimization, Regularized Risk Minimization)
  • Supervised Learning for Regression and Classification
  • Linear Methods, Basis Functions, Kernel Methods
  • Logistic Regression, SVMs (Support Vector Machines)
  • Naive Bayes
  • Decision Trees, Random Forest
  • k-Nearest Neighbor
  • robust regression
  • Linear and Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
  • Methods of Unsupervised Learning
  • Dimension Reduction (PCA - Principal Component Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling)
  • Clustering (k-means)
  • Recommender Systems (Matrix Factorization)
  • Introduction to Neural Networks"

Learning objectives:

  • In-depth knowledge of various approaches to learning from data, including an understanding of their respective limitations
  • Ability to understand and apply the underlying ML (Machine Learning) theory
  • Ability to comparatively evaluate learning methods in terms of specific application conditions
  • Ability to systematically classify new methods
  • Ability to design, implement, and evaluate a learning system for a given task
  • Ability to present empirical findings in the field of algorithmic learning


  • Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Christopher M. Bishop, Springer, 2006. (online)
  • The Elements of Statistical Learning. Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman, Springer, 2009. (online)
  • Deep Learning. Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville, MIT Press, 2016. (online)

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Th, 4. Apr. 2024 12:15 13:45 D-125/129 Prof. Dr. Sören Laue
2 Fri, 5. Apr. 2024 14:15 15:45 D-125/129 Prof. Dr. Sören Laue
3 Th, 11. Apr. 2024 12:15 13:45 D-125/129 Prof. Dr. Sören Laue
4 Fri, 12. Apr. 2024 14:15 15:45 D-125/129 Prof. Dr. Sören Laue
5 Th, 18. Apr. 2024 12:15 13:45 D-125/129 Prof. Dr. Sören Laue
6 Fri, 19. Apr. 2024 14:15 15:45 D-125/129 Prof. Dr. Sören Laue
7 Th, 25. Apr. 2024 12:15 13:45 D-125/129 Prof. Dr. Sören Laue
8 Fri, 26. Apr. 2024 14:15 15:45 D-125/129 Prof. Dr. Sören Laue
9 Th, 2. May 2024 12:15 13:45 D-125/129 Prof. Dr. Sören Laue
10 Fri, 3. May 2024 14:15 15:45 D-125/129 Prof. Dr. Sören Laue
11 Fri, 10. May 2024 14:15 15:45 D-125/129 Prof. Dr. Sören Laue
12 Th, 16. May 2024 12:15 13:45 D-125/129 Prof. Dr. Sören Laue
13 Fri, 17. May 2024 14:15 15:45 D-125/129 Prof. Dr. Sören Laue
14 Th, 30. May 2024 12:15 13:45 D-125/129 Prof. Dr. Sören Laue
15 Fri, 31. May 2024 14:15 15:45 D-125/129 Prof. Dr. Sören Laue
16 Th, 6. Jun. 2024 12:15 13:45 D-125/129 Prof. Dr. Sören Laue
17 Fri, 7. Jun. 2024 14:15 15:45 D-125/129 Prof. Dr. Sören Laue
18 Th, 13. Jun. 2024 12:15 13:45 D-125/129 Prof. Dr. Sören Laue
19 Fri, 14. Jun. 2024 14:15 15:45 D-125/129 Prof. Dr. Sören Laue
20 Th, 20. Jun. 2024 12:15 13:45 D-125/129 Prof. Dr. Sören Laue
21 Fri, 21. Jun. 2024 14:15 15:45 D-125/129 Prof. Dr. Sören Laue
22 Th, 27. Jun. 2024 12:15 13:45 D-125/129 Prof. Dr. Sören Laue
23 Fri, 28. Jun. 2024 14:15 15:45 D-125/129 Prof. Dr. Sören Laue
24 Th, 4. Jul. 2024 12:15 13:45 D-125/129 Prof. Dr. Sören Laue
25 Fri, 5. Jul. 2024 14:15 15:45 D-125/129 Prof. Dr. Sören Laue
26 Th, 11. Jul. 2024 12:15 13:45 D-125/129 Prof. Dr. Sören Laue
27 Fri, 12. Jul. 2024 14:15 15:45 D-125/129 Prof. Dr. Sören Laue
Exams in context of modules
Module (start semester)/ Course Exam Date Instructors Compulsory pass
Class session overview
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Prof. Dr. Sören Laue