ISA-200.022 Wert-sensitive Digitale Soziale Innovationen – Gesellschaftliche Herausforderung mit Technologien adressieren

Course offering details

Instructors: Laura Vanessa Eva Fichtner; Larissa Gebken

Event type: Project seminar

Displayed in timetable as:

Credits: 6,0

Language of instruction: German

Min. | Max. participants: 5 | 20

More information:
This course is aimed at all students, the course is interdisciplinary and knowledge from different disciplines is explicitly desired.
The course is planned as a block course. The main part of the course will take place during the semester break. The course will take place in a hybrid procedure (mixed form of digital & analogue parts).

If you have any problems or questions regarding registration or deregistration, please contact:

The focus of the course is the development of value-sensitive Digital Social Innovations (DSI). DSI aim to address social challenges - such as poverty and injustice, human rights violations or climate change - using appropriate information and communication technology.
However, in order not to cause more harm than good in the development of a DSI, the seminar focuses especially on a critical reflection on the role that important ethical values and societal challenges play in our DSI projects. In doing so, you will proactively deal with potential ethical dilemmas and the ethical and societal aspects of your project and your own approach in the course of the development, of course under the guidance of your lecturer. Dealing with the dilemmas and proactively developing an understanding of values will be introduced to you especially with the help of Value Sensitive Design (VSD).

In the course, you will (further) develop a data-driven value-sensitive DSI together with aid organizations (Rap for Refugees e. V., Wörterfabrik für Unterstützte Kommunikation UG, clubkinder e.V.) and affected persons. It is also possible to bring in your own ideas.

Learning objectives:
- Design-oriented approach for addressing societal challenges with the help of a design thinking approach.
- Critical reflection on ethical issues with the help of Value Sensitive Design
- Critical recognition of and responsible handling of research ethical challenges
- Learning or deepening the knowledge to develop a prototype
- Development of the problem space according to the project

Didactic concept:
In the course we will use creativity and reflection methods to address social challenges of aid organisations. The steps described here will take place partly simultaneously and not rigidly one after the other. The course will take place in block sessions:
1. Understanding: It is important to understand the social challenge and to define the problem space together with aid organisations and those affected. Existing knowledge from literature can give first impressions. In addition, initial discussions can be held with aid organisations and those affected.
2. Observation: In this phase, you should develop a deeper understanding of the people affected and the social challenge. This should take place with the help of quantitative or qualitative research in combination with a reflection on ethical issues.
3. Define your point of view: To define your position, you should use the information gathered to develop a common understanding of values for your DSI and to define the solution space more precisely.
4. Develop ideas: The ideas are to be concretised with the help of service blueprints. The coordination takes place together with the aid organisations and those affected. The involvement of the various stakeholders makes it possible to develop ideas in a way that is appropriate for the target group and to identify potential stumbling blocks as early as possible.
5. Develop prototypes: The implementation of the ideas takes place within the prototyping, the goal of the prototyping is adapted to your experience.
6. Testing: the results of the respective phases are tested regularly with the aid organisations and those affected.
7. Reflection: The results will be reflected on a regular basis in order to meet the needs of the stakeholders as well as to identify and adequately address the ethical dimensions and challenges of your project.
8. Documentation: During the course of the project you should document your decisions in order to have a basis for discussion and reflection.

Additional examination information:
Academic achievement: Active participation in the project development, as well as in the final presentation.

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Fri, 10. Nov. 2023 16:00 18:00 VMP 9 S29 Laura Vanessa Eva Fichtner; Larissa Gebken
2 Fri, 8. Dec. 2023 14:00 18:00 VMP 9 S29 Laura Vanessa Eva Fichtner; Larissa Gebken
3 Fri, 15. Dec. 2023 14:00 18:00 VMP 9 S29 Laura Vanessa Eva Fichtner; Larissa Gebken
4 Th, 22. Feb. 2024 10:00 14:30 VMP 9 S29 Laura Vanessa Eva Fichtner; Larissa Gebken
5 Fri, 23. Feb. 2024 10:00 14:30 tba Laura Vanessa Eva Fichtner; Larissa Gebken
6 Fri, 1. Mar. 2024 10:00 14:30 VMP 9 S29 Laura Vanessa Eva Fichtner; Larissa Gebken
7 Mon, 4. Mar. 2024 10:00 14:30 VMP 9 S29 Laura Vanessa Eva Fichtner; Larissa Gebken
8 Tue, 5. Mar. 2024 10:00 14:30 VMP 9 S29 Laura Vanessa Eva Fichtner; Larissa Gebken
9 Wed, 6. Mar. 2024 10:00 14:30 VMP 9 S29 Laura Vanessa Eva Fichtner; Larissa Gebken
10 Tue, 12. Mar. 2024 10:00 14:30 VMP 9 S29 Laura Vanessa Eva Fichtner; Larissa Gebken
11 Wed, 13. Mar. 2024 10:00 14:30 VMP 9 S29 Laura Vanessa Eva Fichtner; Larissa Gebken
12 Th, 14. Mar. 2024 10:00 14:30 VMP 9 S29 Laura Vanessa Eva Fichtner; Larissa Gebken
13 Tue, 26. Mar. 2024 18:00 21:00 tba Laura Vanessa Eva Fichtner; Larissa Gebken
Course specific exams
Description Date Instructors Mandatory
1. Completed coursework Time tbd Yes
Class session overview
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Laura Vanessa Eva Fichtner
Larissa Gebken