96-5.32 Praktische Einführung in Wargaming und Serious Gaming

Course offering details

Instructors: Dr. Martin Böhm; Thorsten Kodalle

Event type: Practical course/lab

Displayed in timetable as: 96-5.32

Credits: 2,0

Language of instruction: English

Min. | Max. participants: 6 | 20

Wargaming, serious gaming, gamification - all these approaches of Game-Based Learning aim at modeling dynamic conflict situations, making decisions and reacting to consequences.   

As a simulation of selected aspects of a conflict situation in accordance with given rules, data, and procedures, wargaming conveys decision-making experience or provides decision-making information applicable to real-world situations. Wargaming reduces the complexity of a conflict and replicates a "playable" model. Participants gain a deeper understanding of interrelationships, can assess risks more accurately, and train critical thinking. In doing so, wargaming promotes the idea of a comprehensive approach - because only those who know each other and develop a mutual understanding can develop a cooperative culture among all participants.

The block seminar spans the range from strategic and operational wargames to the civil conflict simulation "Neustart". This serious game simulates a blackout in a small town and is the focus of the block seminar. Participants embody urban actors who must work together to manage a variety of events and maintain basic services for the population. In a final evaluation, the participants reflect on the decisions they made and the consequences that occurred. "Neustart" is a successful example of how the deeper meaning of gaming is not to provide answers, but to first find the right questions.

Learning objectives:
Using the example of a table top game on the topic of blackout, which is geared towards civilian needs, it will be analyzed how the internal structure of crisis teams can be practiced across departments and on the basis of contemporary insights into methodology and didactics from the field of learning games.

The "comprehensive approach" is to be experienced and grasped through a practical impression of the importance of holistic security and social resilience building. The complex interdependencies require coordinated action by all actors to achieve common goals. To this end, it is essential to develop a mutual understanding. The participants are sensitized to think holistically and in networks. This will enable them to tackle challenges together and develop coordinated solutions.

Through the integration of a Trello board, the participants are introduced to the basics of agile project management.

Didactic concept:
Participants will first be introduced to the Innovation Lab Learning Network. This is unique in the German Armed Forces and combines modern architectural approaches with current technologies such as data glasses, game consoles and gaming PCs as well as new concepts such as gamification or serious gaming in a contemporary and forward-looking project. Through architecture and design, collaborative and individualized learning will be facilitated and problem-solving, creative thinking will be promoted. 

Furthermore, the participants will get an insight into the so-called "War Rooms". These contain wargames of the operational and strategic level. Here, it becomes clear which different perspectives the respective levels take and which focal points are derived from them.
The focus of the event is on the practical part of playing an analog serious game. In the blackout simulation "Neustart", the participants are challenged in the roles of crisis team and operational command of a small town to maintain the supply of vital goods to the population as well as peace and order for as long as possible.

In parallel, the participants use a Trello board as a collaboration and planning tool via a digital interface to coordinate the further procedure.

Planspiele und Simulationen - 1x1 des Wargaming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0b737z_C28 (German language)

British Ministry of Defence, Wargaming Handbook (2017): https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/641040/doctrine_uk_wargaming_handbook.pdf

Graham Longley-Brown, Successful Professional Wargames. A Practitioner's Handbook (2019) 
Peter Perla, Peter Perla's The Art of Wargaming A Guide for Professionals and Hobbyists (2011)

Additional examination information:
Openness to the methodical and didactic approach of Serious Games, Games-Based Learning, Gamification and Agile Education.

Participation in the conflict simulation and active involvement.

Reflect on the planning and decisions.


Date From To Room Instructors
1 Th, 1. Feb. 2024 10:00 18:00 Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr, Generalleutnant Graf von Baudissin Kaserne, Blomkamp 61, 22549 HH Dr. Martin Böhm; Thorsten Kodalle
2 Fri, 2. Feb. 2024 10:00 18:00 Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr, Generalleutnant Graf von Baudissin Kaserne, Blomkamp 61, 22549 HH Dr. Martin Böhm; Thorsten Kodalle
Course specific exams
Description Date Instructors Mandatory
1. Completed coursework Time tbd No
Class session overview
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Dr. Martin Böhm
Thorsten Kodalle