64-633 Hackathon - Introduction to Complex Applications in Distributed Environments

Course offering details

Instructors: Philipp Kisters

Event type: Integrated lecture

Displayed in timetable as: Hackathon

Hours per week: 2

Credits: 3,0

Language of instruction: German

Min. | Max. participants: - | 30

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Fri, 14. Apr. 2023 16:00 20:00 D-125/129B-201D-114D-115D-118/119D-121D-117 Philipp Kisters
2 Sat, 15. Apr. 2023 10:00 20:00 D-125/129B-201D-114D-115D-118/119D-121D-117 Philipp Kisters
3 Sun, 16. Apr. 2023 10:00 16:00 D-125/129B-201D-114D-115D-118/119D-121D-117 Philipp Kisters
Course specific exams
Description Date Instructors Mandatory
1. Presentation No Date No
Class session overview
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Philipp Kisters