ZGD-1 Diversity & Intersectionality:Theoretical Perspectives and Analytical Concepts

Course offering details

Instructors: Robel Afeworki Abay

Event type:

Displayed in timetable as: Intersektionalität

Hours per week: 2

Credits: 3,0

Language of instruction: German

Min. | Max. participants: - | -

More information:
Bitte melden Sie sich zu dieser Lehrveranstaltung zusätzlich über die Webseite des ZGD an: zgd-hamburg.de

Termine: unregelmäßig Donnerstags: 14-18 Uhr, 07.04.; 21.04.; 12.05.; 26.05.; 09.06.; 23.06. & 07.07. (digital via Zoom)

Diese Lehrveranstaltung wird vom hochschulübergreifenden Zentrum Gender & Diversity (ZGD) angeboten und steht Studierenden aller Studienprogramme offen. Sie ist Teil der fachübergreifenden Studienzertifikate "Genderkompetenz" und "Diversity und Intersektionalität."

Informieren Sie sich bei Ihrem Studienbüro zu Möglichkeiten der Anerkennung der Lehrveranstaltung bspw. in Ihrem Wahlpflichtbereich.

The seminar analyses the main characteristics and the complexity of intersectional discrimination. Therefore, the goal of this seminar is to give a broader overview of both concepts (Diversity & Intersectionality) in attempting to understand the complexity of heteropatriarchal capitalist societies. Yet, this seminar does not claim to provide a comprehensive account of social inequality of the various marginalized communities in Germany, nor does it seek to do so. More importantly, it marks a humble attempt to stimulate critical discussions on the concepts like Diversity and Intersectionality, which deserves not only more theoretical and empirical engagements, but also legal and policy change in addressing multiple and intersectional structures of social inequality and institutional discrimination as well as ensuring social justice and social equality of many marginalized groups like BIPoC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color), disabled and queer communities.

Intersectionality: It is evident that disabled and queer BIPoC are often marginalized and wholly or partially excluded from participation in economic, social, cultural and political processes not only in the Global South but also in the Global North. In German context, stigmatization and exclusion of disabled BIPoC has a long lineage: Due to ongoing racialized, ableist and heteropatriarchal power structures, these populations have been physically and politically marginalized and subjected to interlocking forms of discrimination. Racism, Ableism, (Hetero)sexism and Homonationalism etc. have therefore been some of the everyday lived realities of much larger structural processes of many marginalized communities. Intersectionality would prove to be enormously fruitful to address these overlapping forms of oppression that are embedded in discursive and institutionalized practices of difference, discrimination and dehumanization. This seminar therefore sought to explore the ever-growing and complex structural discrimination that legitimizes existing power structures and social inequality within the dominant society leading to social exclusion of many marginalized communities.
Diversity: We will discuss the corresponding relevance of the Diversity concept, which has received heightened attention in political and academic discourses in recent years. Based on the existing theoretical and empirical findings, this interdisciplinary seminar focuses on the prevailing topics of social inequality and intersectional discrimination within the heteronormative structures.

In this regard, not only the relevance of both concepts Diversity and Intersectionality for analyzing the complex interlocking forms of discrimination, but also their criticism and limitations will be discussed. Students are encouraged actively engage in discussions within the seminar and develop ant-oppressive practices in their current and future professional engagements.

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Th, 7. Apr. 2022 16:00 18:00 Robel Afeworki Abay
2 Th, 21. Apr. 2022 16:00 18:00 Robel Afeworki Abay
3 Th, 12. May 2022 14:00 18:00 Robel Afeworki Abay
4 Th, 9. Jun. 2022 14:00 18:00 Robel Afeworki Abay
5 Th, 23. Jun. 2022 14:00 18:00 Robel Afeworki Abay
6 Th, 7. Jul. 2022 14:00 18:00 Robel Afeworki Abay
Course specific exams
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1. Exam No Date No
Class session overview
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Robel Afeworki Abay