10-02-743 Seminar: Under Pressure - Human Rights in the 21st Century

Course offering details

Instructors: Verena Kahl; Prof. Dr. Markus Kotzur

Event type: Seminar

Displayed in timetable as: Seminar: Under Press

Hours per week: 2

Credits: 2,0

Language of instruction: English

Min. | Max. participants: - | -

More information:


"Under Pressure – Human Rights in the 21st Century"


In the last two decades, the world has faced multiple, complex and largely ongoing crises. While the worst effects of climate change and environmental destruction are yet to come, humanity is still facing a tremendous health, social and economic crisis, as the Covid-19 pandemic continues to spread with ever-new mutations and variants. Populism and authoritarianism are on the rise, while thousands have died or been lost in the Mediterranean Sea. As digitalization is enabling online surveillance, manipulation of elections and the utilization of discriminating algorithms, at the same time movements like "black lives matter" or "me too" have made themselves heard through social media channels. States are leaving or threatening to leave regional and international human rights regimes. Are we reaching the end times of (international) human rights or are we, on the contrary, experiencing a new momentum for the strengthening of human rights under pressure? Can or even must human rights regimes adapt and transform in the face of these new developments?

These and other fundamental questions will be explored during the seminar. The seminar announcement offers a selection of topics, which can be found below. In order to create a solid basis for the discussion of specific issues, the first presentations are dedicated at general topics that will serve as an introduction to human rights protection but also to expand existing knowledge.

Seminar schedule

Due to the current situation, the seminar will take place via Zoom as a block event at the end of the semester. Seminar dates are the 3rd, 4th and 7th of February 2022. A detailed schedule will be send in due time to all participants via email. The seminar will be based on your presentations of about 15-20 minutes, which shall provide the input for a subsequent discussion among all seminar participants.

Preliminary meeting

A preliminary seminar meeting will take place on the 8th of November 2021 at 5pm via Zoom. The Zoom details will be send timely before the meeting via email.


Teaching language will be English. The seminar addresses all students of all faculties with an interest in Public International Law in general and Human Rights Law in particular. Students from the first semester onwards, Erasmus students and those students feeling uncomfortable with speaking English are explicitly invited since neither previous knowledge of the subject nor excellent English skills are required.


As usual, the following certificates can be acquired in the context of this seminar:

a) Seminar Certificate (Seminarschein)

In order to obtain a seminar certificate ("Seminarschein"), in addition to the oral presentation students have to write a term paper ("Seminararbeit") either in German or in English. The term paper has to be submitted by the end of the semester. A combination of the proof of foreign language proficiency and the seminar certificate is not possible.

b) Proof of Foreign Language Proficiency (Fremdsprachennachweis)

By attending the seminar and giving a short presentation students can obtain a proof of foreign language proficiency ("Fremdsprachennachweis").

Please note that only five topics are eligible for acquiring the proof of foreign language proficiency (Topics 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5).

c) Schwerpunktbereichshausarbeit

Students have also the possibility to write a major thesis ("Examenshausarbeit" – SPB X) attached to the seminar topic or generally related to Public International Law and European Law. Language of the major thesis can only be German.

The seminar is registered twice (seminar and foreign language course). When registering via Microsoft Forms (for details see below), please indicate your name, email address, semester, matriculation number, the certificate you wish to acquire and two topics of your choice.

Participants who only want to listen or give a presentation without acquiring a certificate are of course always welcome.


Registration for the seminar takes place via Microsoft Forms. Please fill in all the indicated fields accordingly.

The registration closes on the 18th of October 2021!

You can access the registration form via the following link:


Please note:

The number of participants is limited to 15 students. Participants will be informed about the registration status and the distribution of topics as soon as possible. In case that we receive more applications than there are places available, the selection will be made in particular on the basis of the participants' motivation as expressed in the registration form as well as according to diversity aspects.


Please indicate two topics of your choice in the registration form. The distribution will follow a "first come, first serve" approach.

List of Topics:

I. General Introduction

1. Human Rights History

2. Human Rights Theory

3. Human Rights Legal Frameworks

4. Human Rights Institutions

5. Human Rights Critique

II. Human Rights under Pressure

6. Threatened from within? The Phenomenon of Human Rights Expansionism

7. Made for everyone! But made by whom? Human Rights as a Western Concept

8. Heating up – Human Rights in the Context of Climate Change

9. From Freedom and Transparency to Election Rigging and Algorithms – Chances and Risks for Human Rights in the Era of Digitalization

10. Humanity on Hold – Human Rights in Times of Pandemic

11. Lost at Sea – Human Rights Protection in the Mediterranean Region

12. Who is the best seller? Human Rights and Corporate Activity

13. Before the law, all are equal – Human Rights and Structural Discrimination – Part I: Racism

14. Before the law, all are equal – Human Rights and Structural Discrimination Part II: Gender Inequality

15. The End Times of Human Rights? Human Rights Protection in Light of fading Multilateralism and growing Authoritarianism and Populism

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Course specific exams
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1. Final assignment No Date Yes
Class session overview
Prof. Dr. Markus Kotzur
Verena Kahl