10-02-355 Seminar: Resilience and Law

Course offering details

Instructors: Dr. Anne Dienelt

Event type: Seminar

Displayed in timetable as: Seminar: Resilienz

Hours per week: 2

Credits: 5,0

Language of instruction: English

Min. | Max. participants: - | -

The concept of "resilience" has not yet been researched in law. However, the phenomenon described by "resilience" also exists in law: How does law react to exceptional situations, to crises? The so-called "defensibility" of the constitution describes one aspect of resilience in law.

In this seminar, we will analyze different crises and challenges for law. In addition to the pandemic, other situations can be examined, such as climate change, the financial crisis, natural disasters, etc. The following questions will be explored: What does resilience mean in law? Does resilient law exist? Can law contribute to a resilient society?

The legal focus of this seminar is on human rights, European law and German administrative and constitutional law. There is also the possibility to work on comparative law and to examine other legal systems (e.g. France, USA, etc.). Topics will be assigned individually according to interest. Students may propose their own topics for the seminar paper and suggest crises and exceptional situations for their analysis. 

The seminar will be held in blocks. A preliminary meeting will be held in October. At the beginning of November, a compulsory introduction to the preparation of a seminar and exam paper (research, citation, literature management) will be offered. 

All participants are expected to present on their respective topic during the seminar in December (in German or English). Students can submit a paper (in German or English) in order to receive a "Seminarschein" in terms of the "Promotionsordnung". Additionally, students can write a "Examenshausarbeit im SPB X (Völker- und Europarecht)". Students are advised to have written a preparatory paper (Seminararbeit) before they write their "SPB-Hausarbeit". 

The number of students participating in the seminar is limited. If you wish to write a "SPB-Hausarbeit", please send an email to anne.dienelt@uni-hamburg.de. To register, please use the registration option via Stine. Registration at the introductory session is also possible, if there are any spots left. 

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Th, 21. Oct. 2021 18:00 19:30 Digital Dr. Anne Dienelt
2 Wed, 3. Nov. 2021 18:00 20:00 Digital Dr. Anne Dienelt
3 Wed, 8. Dec. 2021 18:00 20:00 Digital Dr. Anne Dienelt
4 Fri, 4. Feb. 2022 09:00 18:00 Rhs EG 18/19 Dr. Anne Dienelt
5 Sat, 5. Feb. 2022 09:00 18:00 Rhs EG 18/19 Dr. Anne Dienelt
6 Tue, 7. Feb. 2023 13:15 14:45 Digital Dr. Anne Dienelt
Course specific exams
Description Date Instructors Mandatory
1. Presentation and paper No Date Yes
Class session overview
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Dr. Anne Dienelt