10-02-735 Overview of Anglo-American Law

Course offering details

Instructors: Katrin von Gierke

Event type: Lecture

Displayed in timetable as: Overview of Anglo-Am

Hours per week: 2

Credits: 2,0

Language of instruction: English

Min. | Max. participants: 5 | 20

Registration group: englische FS-Veranstaltungen

This course introduces a fairly broad spectrum of substantive and procedural issues of Anglo-American law. The three blocks of instruction cover criminal, contract and tort law. These blocks each end with a formal "negotiation," whereby students are assigned to teams and must prepare "portfolios," ie documentation to negotiate a problem on behalf of their "clients." Students are assessed on their active oral participation in these negotiations and one oral presentation of 10 minutes. Very active student participation and preparation is required.

Language Level B2 or better.
Media:        Classes will probably be held virtually via Zoom.  

Für einen reibungslosen Ablauf benötigen Sie eine stabile Internetverbindung und ein Arbeitsgerät mit  funktionierendem Mikrofon und einsatzbereiter Kamera.
Dies ist für die Teilnahme an einer interaktiven Lehrveranstaltung obligatorisch.


Didactic concept:
Participation: Active participation in  the Zoom-Sessions is required. Students  may miss up to 2 sessions.
Presentation: Each student must give a 10-minute-long presentation about a landmark case of Constitutional Law
Assigned Discussions: Each student must prepare for & participate in an assigned group discussion on specific topics


Date From To Room Instructors
1 Wed, 13. Oct. 2021 12:15 13:45 Digital Katrin von Gierke
2 Wed, 20. Oct. 2021 12:15 13:45 Digital Katrin von Gierke
3 Wed, 27. Oct. 2021 12:15 13:45 Digital Katrin von Gierke
4 Wed, 3. Nov. 2021 12:15 13:45 Digital Katrin von Gierke
5 Wed, 10. Nov. 2021 12:15 13:45 Digital Katrin von Gierke
6 Wed, 17. Nov. 2021 12:15 13:45 Digital Katrin von Gierke
7 Wed, 24. Nov. 2021 12:15 13:45 Digital Katrin von Gierke
8 Wed, 1. Dec. 2021 12:15 13:45 Digital Katrin von Gierke
9 Wed, 8. Dec. 2021 12:15 13:45 Digital Katrin von Gierke
10 Wed, 15. Dec. 2021 12:15 13:45 Digital Katrin von Gierke
11 Wed, 5. Jan. 2022 12:15 13:45 Digital Katrin von Gierke
12 Wed, 12. Jan. 2022 12:15 13:45 Digital Katrin von Gierke
13 Wed, 19. Jan. 2022 12:15 13:45 Digital Katrin von Gierke
14 Wed, 26. Jan. 2022 12:15 13:45 Digital Katrin von Gierke
Course specific exams
Description Date Instructors Mandatory
1. Final assignment No Date Yes
Class session overview
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Katrin von Gierke