10-02-726 Dogmatics of German Criminal Law

Course offering details

Instructors: Erion Murati

Event type: Lecture

Displayed in timetable as: EU General Data Prot

Hours per week: 2

Credits: 2,0

Language of instruction: English

Min. | Max. participants: 5 | 20

Registration group: englische FS-Veranstaltungen

Dogmatics of Criminal Law

This course provides with the opportunity to improve your ability to understand and explain a viewpoint on a legal issue in English. It aims at acquiring and applying an essential set of legal vocabulary.
The content of the course will be familiar to you as German Law students: the dogmatics of German Criminal Law. This familiarity with the subject will allow you to focus solely on your language competence.


·         Michael Bohlander, Principles of German Criminal Law, Oxford u.a. 2009.
·         Rudolf Rengier, Strafrecht Allgemeiner Teil, 10. Auflage, München 2018.
·         Johannes Wessels/Werner Beulke/Helmut Satzger, Strafrecht Allgemeiner Teil, 48. Aufl., Heidelberg 2018.

The course addresses students of German Law (Studiengang Rechtswissenschaften: Staatsexamen), who want to acquire the foreign language certificate. The certificate may only be acquired, if absence does not exceed 20%. For participation, the language skills must be equivalent to level B1/B2 of the CEFR.

If you could not register via STiNE because the class is full, you may come to the first session. If other candidates do not show up, the spots are assigned from anew.

For further questions, please write to markus.abraham@uni-hamburg.de.

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Th, 29. Apr. 2021 10:00 17:00 Digital Erion Murati
2 Fri, 30. Apr. 2021 10:00 17:00 Digital Erion Murati
3 Fri, 14. May 2021 10:00 17:00 Digital Erion Murati
4 Sat, 15. May 2021 10:00 17:00 Digital Erion Murati
Course specific exams
Description Date Instructors Mandatory
1. Final assignment No Date Yes
Class session overview
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Erion Murati