64-868-P Project Human-Robot Interaction

Course offering details

Instructors: Dennis Becker; Tom Weber

Event type: Project

Displayed in timetable as: MProj - HRI

Hours per week: 6

Language of instruction: English

Min. | Max. participants: - | 15


The course will be entirely virtual. Details will be released on the Knowledge Technology webpage: https://www.inf.uni-hamburg.de/en/inst/ab/wtm/teaching.html

The project centers on the topic of Human-Robot Interaction.  As the name HRI already conveys - the fundamental aspects come from research areas such as cognition, learning, interaction, and robotics. Research questions in HRI usually center on these questions:
What does it take for a robot to make us feel comfortable around it? How can such a robot learn independently or by interaction with a person? How can a robot interact with a person?
Inspired by the idea of having a robot at home, at work, or in public areas which helps with your everyday tasks, we want to define and solve tasks like e.g. a coffee-serving or informational robot in a home or office environment. As exemplary possible scenarios, you should have a look at the current RoboCup@Home scenarios. Even such seemingly simple tasks/interactions require a broad set of interconnected, and robust capabilities like vision, communication, motion, and planning, and a good idea on how humans interact with each other.  Within this project, we will focus on the interaction between humans and robot(s). The project may also include programming bio-inspired methods, interaction research, and implementing a robotic framework.

Learning objectives:
The project Human-Robot Interaction offers the opportunity to learn about the complexities of daily action, basic control of humanoid robots as well as the development of simple service robot applications. During the course of the project, special emphasis will be put on teamwork, i.e. collaborative problem solving. In this way, the students can learn and experience the special difficulties and chances of project development, from research and conceptualization via implementation and validation to presentation and demonstration. The project will prepare them for research and the industry in booming sectors such as Knowledge Engineering, Human-Robot Interaction and Robotics with both skills in computer science (programming and robotics) and soft skills (teamwork and the English language).

Didactic concept:
This year, the full project will be concentrated on a single semester. In the first quarter, the integrated seminar offers the opportunity to dive into the topic and explore interesting approaches that could be implemented later. Also, in the first half, the project will focus on learning how to use the available hardware and software as well as acquiring general concepts and some practical experience on biologically inspired robotics, robot control architectures, and project management. In the second half of the semester, the project will focus on the implementation and execution of a HRI scenario that will be chosen by the students. To facilitate development, the whole robot control can be divided into several modules and later integrated via a robot middleware such as ROS. We plan to make use of two full days each week until end of March where the students will have the opportunity for self-study or team-work in a modern research environment. Ultimately, the results will be documented and presented.

• Stückler, J., Holz, D., Behnke, S. RoboCup@Home: Demonstrating Everyday Manipulation Skills in RoboCup@Home. Robotics Automation Magazine, IEEE, 19(2): 34-42, 2012.
• Krichmar , J.L., Wagatsuma, H. Neuromorphic and Brain-Based Robots. Cambridge Uni. Press, 2011.
• Marsland, S. Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective. CRC Press, 2009.
• Murphy, R.R. Introduction to AI Robotics., MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2000.
• Webb, B.,  Consi, T.R. Biorobotics - Methods and Applications., AAAI Press,  CA, 2001.

The initial working platforms will be the NICO humanoid robot and simulation software. These platforms have good abstraction layers from hardware and an API that permit us to focus on behavioural aspects of human-robot interaction and service robot applications. NICO (Neuro-Inspired COmpanion) is a child-sized humanoid robot that is designed to have human-like sensing and motor capabilities. The NICO robot was built by the knowledge technology group to be a research platform for multimodal human-robot interaction and neurocognitive models. Additionally, code and documentation developed in previous semesters will be made available to get started, use and extend as required.

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Th, 5. Nov. 2020 12:00 16:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
2 Fri, 6. Nov. 2020 10:00 18:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
3 Th, 12. Nov. 2020 12:00 16:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
4 Fri, 13. Nov. 2020 10:00 18:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
5 Th, 19. Nov. 2020 12:00 16:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
6 Fri, 20. Nov. 2020 10:00 18:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
7 Th, 26. Nov. 2020 12:00 16:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
8 Fri, 27. Nov. 2020 10:00 18:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
9 Th, 3. Dec. 2020 12:00 16:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
10 Fri, 4. Dec. 2020 10:00 18:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
11 Th, 10. Dec. 2020 12:00 16:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
12 Fri, 11. Dec. 2020 10:00 18:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
13 Th, 17. Dec. 2020 12:00 16:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
14 Fri, 18. Dec. 2020 10:00 18:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
15 Th, 7. Jan. 2021 12:00 16:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
16 Fri, 8. Jan. 2021 10:00 18:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
17 Th, 14. Jan. 2021 12:00 16:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
18 Fri, 15. Jan. 2021 10:00 18:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
19 Th, 21. Jan. 2021 12:00 16:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
20 Fri, 22. Jan. 2021 10:00 18:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
21 Th, 28. Jan. 2021 12:00 16:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
22 Fri, 29. Jan. 2021 10:00 18:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
23 Th, 4. Feb. 2021 12:00 16:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
24 Fri, 5. Feb. 2021 10:00 18:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
25 Th, 11. Feb. 2021 12:00 16:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
26 Fri, 12. Feb. 2021 10:00 18:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
27 Th, 18. Feb. 2021 12:00 16:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
28 Fri, 19. Feb. 2021 10:00 18:00 F-234, Teilpräsenz Dennis Becker; Tom Weber
Exams in context of modules
Module (start semester)/ Course Exam Date Instructors Compulsory pass
Class session overview
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Dennis Becker
Tom Weber