24-203.11 Multilateralism, Crisis and Coronavirus [digital]

Course offering details

Instructors: Amrita Narlikar

Event type: Seminar

Displayed in timetable as: IR: Multilateralism

Hours per week: 2

Credits: 6,0

Language of instruction: English

Min. | Max. participants: 10 | 23

A key purpose of multilateralism is to facilitate the provision of global public goods. But as COVID-19 spreads death and destruction in its wake, one might well ask the question, will multilateralism be yet another victim of this global pandemic? Is multilateralism fit for purpose today, or does it need fundamental restructuring? This course will introduce you to the theory, history, and practice of multilateralism. We will investigate the concept and workings of multilateralism since the emergence of the post- World War II system, and come up to the present day. Together we will explore the challenges and problems that multilateralism faces across different issue-areas, delve into explanations, and develop possible solutions. The course aims to provide you with solid foundations on the subject, and also to engage with some of the latest controversies, including trade multilateralism (and the weaponization of global supply chains), public health (and the handling of the pandemic), climate change mitigation, and collective security arrangements like NATO and beyond.

Learning objectives:
To understand the politics of multilateralism and the crisis that it faces today, and in doing so, acquire several additional skills: 

  • analytic skills: ability to develop original arguments that integrate empirical and theoretical knowledge
  • writing skills: ability to collate information that is fully attributed and further express original arguments in written form
  • communication skills: ability to articulate coherent and well-informed ideas and engage constructively in group discussions

Didactic concept:

  • The seminar will be taught as a block seminar in six sessions of three hours each on 3.11, 17.11, 24.11, 01.12, 08.12 and 15.12.2020. Every session is carried out online via Zoom.
  • Students will be required to submit written input statements (choosing topics in advance from a list of questions provided in the Syllabus). Every student should ensure that they are providing at least one input statement. Such input statements should be no longer than 2,000 words and are meant to kickstart the discussion in the first five sessions.
  • Please make sure that you choose your presentation topic in advance of the seminar.
  • The first five sessions are structured so that everyone has the first 1.5 hours as of 1:00pm to read the input statements on their own to prepare questions, comments, and reactions. At 2:30am the online class discussion with all seminar participants starts in Zoom. Students who have prepared an input for the respective session are asked to present a brief oral summary of their main arguments (no longer than 2 minutes) to get the discussion rolling.
  • In Session 6, we will have a class debate, for which we will define the motion together in Session 5.
  • Students are expected to participate actively and constructively in class debate and exchange in each session. To do this effectively, it is absolutely essential that you at least familiarize yourself with the topics and reading materials in advance of the first session of the seminar. 
  • Attendance is compulsory for this seminar.


  • John Ruggie (edited). 1993. Multilateralism Matters: The Theory and Praxis of an Institutional Form. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Amrita Narlikar (edited). 2010. Deadlocks in Multilateral Negotiations: Causes and Solutions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Anne Applebaum. 2020. “When the World Stumbled: COVID-19 and the Failure of the International System,” in Hals Brand and Francis Gavin (eds.), COVID-19 and World Order: The Future of Conflict, Competition and Cooperation. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press.
  • Amrita Narlikar. 2020. “Multilateralism: Yet another victim of COVID-19,” Berlin: SCRIPTS Excellence Cluster Blog, 19 May https://www.scripts-berlin.eu/blog/Multilateralism_-Yet-another-victim-of-COVID19/index.html .

Additional examination information:
- M.A. Politikwissenschaft, FSB WiSe 14/15 (Masterzulassung 2014), Modul Internationales Regieren (IR): Studienleistungen (siehe A) und ggf. Hausarbeit (siehe B)
- M.A. Politikwissenschaft, FSB WiSe 13/14 (Masterzulassung 2013), Profilmodul: Studienleistungen (siehe A) und Hausarbeit (siehe B)
- M.Sc. Politics, Economics and Philosophy: Studienleistungen (Course work, see A) und Hausarbeit (Paper, see B)
- Wahlbereich: Studienleistungen (siehe A)

A) Studienleistungen (unbenotet):
Written input statements (2,000 words) and a brief oral summary of the main arguments (not longer than 2 minutes) in class.

B) Modul(teil)prüfung FSB WiSe 13/14 und WiSe 14/15:

Prüfungsart: Essay
Bewertungsschema: benotet (RPO)
Umfang: 6,000 words
Abgabetermin: 31.03.2021
Abgabeort: elektronische Kopie ans Sekretariat der Professorin. 

Ausgabeort der bewerteten Prüfungsleistung (gegen Empfangsbestätigung nach Eingabe der Noten in STiNE):
Sekretariat der Präsidentin des GIGA, Neuer Jungfernstieg 21, 5. Stock, Raum 544

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Tue, 17. Nov. 2020 13:00 16:00 Digital Amrita Narlikar
2 Tue, 24. Nov. 2020 13:00 16:00 Digital Amrita Narlikar
3 Tue, 1. Dec. 2020 13:00 16:00 Digital Amrita Narlikar
4 Tue, 8. Dec. 2020 13:00 16:00 Digital Amrita Narlikar
5 Tue, 15. Dec. 2020 13:00 16:00 Digital Amrita Narlikar
6 Tue, 12. Jan. 2021 13:00 16:00 Digital Amrita Narlikar
Exams in context of modules
Module (start semester)/ Course Exam Date Instructors Compulsory pass
24-200.PEP-A Elective Political Science A (WiSe 18/19) / 24-200.PEP1  Multilateralism, Crisis and Coronavirus [digital] 3  Paper Time tbd Amrita Narlikar Yes
24-200.PEP-B Elective Political Science B (WiSe 18/19) / 24-200.PEP2  Multilateralism, Crisis and Coronavirus [digital] 3  Paper Time tbd Amrita Narlikar Yes
24-203-IR International Governance (WiSe 14/15) / 24-203.11  Multilateralism, Crisis and Coronavirus [digital] 13  Completed coursework Time tbd Amrita Narlikar Yes
13  Completed coursework Time tbd Amrita Narlikar Yes
Course specific exams
Description Date Instructors Mandatory
1. Completed coursework Time tbd Yes
2. Essay Time tbd Yes
Class session overview
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
Amrita Narlikar