63-870 Getting started and working with the atmospheric part of ICON (icosahedral nonhydrostatic general circulation model)

Course offering details

Instructors: Dr. Sebastian Rast

Event type: Block course

Displayed in timetable as:

Hours per week: 2

Credits: 3,0

Language of instruction: English

Min. | Max. participants: - | -

The code of ICON is presented and its parts describing the general circulation of the atmosphere is discussed in more detail. The presentation goes through several degrees of refinement, starting with the content of the source directories, and the general concept of the grid on which the meteorological variables are calculated. In a second step, a simplified flow chart is presented highlighting the "physics" part using ECHAM physics. The third refinement comprises the discussion of the data structures and best practice for simple modifications of the code.

The first presentation of ICON comprises an overview of the content of the directories, basic compilation, the spatial grid, the initial and boundary conditions, parameter files, and the most important input variables. It is shown how simulations are performed. A very basic interpretation of the results by standard tools is presented. This comprises a discussion of the netcdf data format in which most of the input files of ICON are stored and a presentation of the climate data operators cdo the usage of which is demonstrated by some advanced example applications (pipelining and interpolation).

In the second level of refinement, we present a simplified flow chart of the atmospheric part of ICON with an emphasis on the part using ECHAM physics.

The third level of refinement comprises a detailed discussion of the most important data structures in ICON ("streams", date-time variables, grid descriptor variables) including advanced fortran90 programming techniques (recursive pointer structures, overloading of subprograms). The parallelization and vectorization of ICON is explained in a basic way and the respective programming techniques are presented. The important steps for the implementation of new parts in the ECHAM physics is explained and performed by the students for a basic example.

The practical performance of simulations and the implementation of new code are an integral part of the course.

Learning objectives:
The students know how to perform simulations with the General Circulation Model ICON in its atmosphere-only version. They are familiar with the initial and boundary conditions and parameter files needed to simulate the general circulation of the atmosphere in ICON and they have knowledge of the most important input variables. They can interpret the output in a very basic way and are familiar with the grid concept of ICON. They can apply the climate data operators cdo in some more advanced cases (pipe lining and interpolation). The students are familiar with the basic flow chart of the atmospheric part of ICON, they have some knowledge of the important data structures and can perform some basic changes of the code part that applies the ECHAM physics in ICON. Finally, they can implement new output and namelists into ICON.

Date From To Room Instructors
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Course specific exams
Description Date Instructors Mandatory
1. Block exam Time tbd Yes
Class session overview
Dr. Sebastian Rast