24-206.22 Practice and Normativity in International Relations Theory [IB-Theorie]

Course offering details

Instructors: Prof. Dr. Antje Wiener

Event type: Seminar

Displayed in timetable as: IPT1: Practice&Norm.

Hours per week: 2

Credits: 6,0

Language of instruction: English

Min. | Max. participants: 10 | 22

This seminar addresses the gap between practice and normativity-based approaches in IR theory. In times of international crisis social scientists should be able to position themselves vis-à-vis a world that has arguably come out of joint. Yet, particularly those engaging in theory all too often remain silent. In this seminar, we discuss strategies to counter this silence and encourage critical engagement with the world on behalf of the scholars themselves. The seminar takes a theory-guided approach to define possible strategies for engagement with current global crises. During the first part, we will discuss current approaches in IR theory, especially drawing on the 'practice turn' literature and the 'norms' literature. The second part of the seminar turns to selected instances of 'crisis' in world politics. Assuming the pitfalls of global order to be visible 'on the ground,' students are asked to focus on 'crisis' as an agonistic process during which the meaning of order becomes subject to contestation. This examination of illustrative case scenarios is based on the concept of 'problem oriented learning' (POI). That is, students work in small groups to prepare theory-led presentations of research problems that emerge as particularly relevant in the context of our debates. The presentations will help students to frame and focus on study projects which may lead to their MA dissertation proposals.

Core readings (Selection):
- Adler, Emanuel and Vincent Pouliot, eds 2012, International Practices. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Bueger, Christian and Frank Gadinger 2015, The Play of International Practice, International Studies Quarterly 59 (3): 449-460
- Frost, Mervyn and Silvyia Lechner 2016, Two Conceptions of International Practice: Aristotelian Praxis or Wittgensteinian Language-games? Review of International Studies 4 (2): 334-350
- Hofius, Maren 2016, Community at the Border or the Boundaries of Community? The Case of EU Field Diplomats, Review of International Studies 42 (5): 939-967, at: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0260210516000085
- Krook, Monica L and Jacqui True 2012, Rethinking the Life Cycles of International Norms: The United Nations and the Global Promotion of Gender Equality, European Journal of International Relations, 18 (1): 103-127
- Laden, Anthony Simon and David Owen eds 2007, Multiculturalism and Political Theory. Cambridge: CUP
- Neumann Iver B 2002, Returning Practice to the Linguistic Turn: The Case of Diplomacy. Millenium Journal of International Studies 31: 627-651
- Tully, James 2012, Middle East Legal and Governmental Pluralism: A View of the Field from the Demos, Middle East Law and Governance 4 (2-3): 225-263
- Wiener, Antje 2017, Agency of the Governed in Global International Relations: Access to Norm Validation, Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal, first view at: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/23802014.2017.1359064?journalCode=rtwt20
- Wiener, Antje 2014, A Theory of Contestation, Heidelberg et al: Springer

- https://trafo.hypotheses.org/category/doing-global-international-relations
- http://global.oup.com/uk/orc/politics/intro/baylis6e/student/blogs/ (overview)
- Duck of Minerva Blog, at: http://duckofminerva.com/2017/10/entering-the-global-multilogue-a-replique-to-the-german-zeit-manifesto.html
- https://web.stanford.edu/dept/CTL/cgi-bin/docs/newsletter/problem_based_learning.pdf (on problem-based learning)

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Tue, 3. Apr. 2018 12:15 13:45 AP 1, 245 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - Prof. Dr. Antje Wiener
2 Tue, 10. Apr. 2018 12:15 13:45 AP 1, 245 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - Prof. Dr. Antje Wiener
3 Tue, 17. Apr. 2018 12:15 13:45 AP 1, 245 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - Prof. Dr. Antje Wiener
4 Tue, 24. Apr. 2018 12:15 13:45 AP 1, 245 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - Prof. Dr. Antje Wiener
5 Tue, 8. May 2018 12:15 13:45 AP 1, 245 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - Prof. Dr. Antje Wiener
6 Tue, 15. May 2018 12:15 13:45 AP 1, 245 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - Prof. Dr. Antje Wiener
7 Tue, 29. May 2018 12:15 13:45 AP 1, 245 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - Prof. Dr. Antje Wiener
8 Tue, 5. Jun. 2018 12:15 13:45 AP 1, 245 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - Prof. Dr. Antje Wiener
9 Tue, 12. Jun. 2018 12:15 13:45 AP 1, 245 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - Prof. Dr. Antje Wiener
10 Tue, 19. Jun. 2018 12:15 13:45 AP 1, 245 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - Prof. Dr. Antje Wiener
11 Tue, 26. Jun. 2018 12:15 13:45 AP 1, 245 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - Prof. Dr. Antje Wiener
12 Tue, 3. Jul. 2018 12:15 13:45 AP 1, 245 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - Prof. Dr. Antje Wiener
13 Tue, 10. Jul. 2018 12:15 13:45 AP 1, 245 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - Prof. Dr. Antje Wiener
Exams in context of modules
Module (start semester)/ Course Exam Date Instructors Compulsory pass
24-206-IPT1-IPT International Political Theory (WiSe 14/15) / 24-206.12  Practice and Normativity in International Relations Theory [IB-Theorie] 8  Completed coursework Mon, 16. Jul. 2018, 00:00 - 24:00 Prof. Dr. Antje Wiener Yes
8  Completed coursework Mon, 16. Jul. 2018, 00:00 - 24:00 Prof. Dr. Antje Wiener Yes
Course specific exams
Description Date Instructors Mandatory
1. Block exam Mon, 16. Jul. 2018 00:00-24:00 N.N. Yes
2. Block exam Sat, 15. Sep. 2018 00:00-24:00 N.N. Yes
Class session overview
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Prof. Dr. Antje Wiener