64-856 S Integrated Seminar Data Protection and Data Security

Course offering details

Instructors: Ephraim Zimmer

Event type: Seminar

Displayed in timetable as: IS: IT-Sich

Hours per week: 2

Credits: 3,0

Language of instruction: German

Min. | Max. participants: - | 15

The "Integriertes Seminar" belongs to the "Masterprojekt IT-Sicherheit". The project is focused on a specific topic in the field of IT Security. In the integrated seminar the participants develop the theoretical foundations of the topic and bring each other up-to-date. The acquired knowledge is applied in the practical part of the project to design and implement concrete solutions to meet the objectives of the project.

Current information regarding the topic of the project as well as the topics addressed in previous semesters can be found on the Website of the Masterprojekt IT-Sicherheit.

Didactic concept:
The project lasts two semesters (starting in the summer term). The project contains an integrated seminar. The final grade is based on the project documentation and a presentation. All statements without warranty.

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Tue, 3. Apr. 2018 16:15 17:45 F-630 Ephraim Zimmer
2 Tue, 10. Apr. 2018 16:15 17:45 F-630 Ephraim Zimmer
3 Tue, 17. Apr. 2018 16:15 17:45 F-630 Ephraim Zimmer
4 Tue, 24. Apr. 2018 16:15 17:45 F-630 Ephraim Zimmer
5 Tue, 8. May 2018 16:15 17:45 F-630 Ephraim Zimmer
6 Tue, 15. May 2018 16:15 17:45 F-630 Ephraim Zimmer
7 Tue, 29. May 2018 16:15 17:45 F-630 Ephraim Zimmer
8 Tue, 5. Jun. 2018 16:15 17:45 F-630 Ephraim Zimmer
9 Tue, 12. Jun. 2018 16:15 17:45 F-630 Ephraim Zimmer
10 Tue, 19. Jun. 2018 16:15 17:45 F-630 Ephraim Zimmer
11 Tue, 26. Jun. 2018 16:15 17:45 F-630 Ephraim Zimmer
12 Tue, 3. Jul. 2018 16:15 17:45 F-630 Ephraim Zimmer
13 Tue, 10. Jul. 2018 16:15 17:45 F-630 Ephraim Zimmer
Class session overview
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Ephraim Zimmer