24-008.42 Common Session: Comparing Cultures of Non-Knowledge


Lehrende: Dr. Bettina Paul

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Profilseminar D2

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Credits: 6,0

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 10 | 20

Weitere Informationen:
M.A. Internationale Kriminologie: Profilmodul Spezielle Kriminologien
M.A. Internationale Kriminologie und ggf. weitere M.A.-Studiengänge: Wahlbereich

Kommentare/ Inhalte:
“We live in an age of ignorance” is the opening statement of Robert Proctor in the outline of agnotology, the study of “how or why we don’t know” (2008: vii). A variety of agnotological approaches aim to shed light on the making and enactment of non-knowledge, with a focus on what is not shown or said, what stays in the shadows or is black-boxed, whether it is species mass extinction or state and corporate crimes. Hence, the course offers a brief overview of how different strands of ignorance studies have dealt with criminological issues and how they can be located in the international criminological landscape. We will then explore how these perspectives can be applied to the student’s chosen topics and the development of papers that are intending to appeal to an international audience.  
The course revolves around a bi-annual student conferences within the Common Study Programme in Critical Criminology. This network has been in existence since 1984 and currently has 16 partner universities (including e.g. Rotterdam, Ghent, Middlesex, Budapest, Athens, Oslo and Copenhagen). We will attend the Common Study Session (Conference) in Komotini, Greece from May 22-24, 2024. Students are invited to give a presentation at the conference (or at the next one) and the course will provide guidance on developing such papers. It is expected that the presentation will be rehearsed within the course to allow for feedback from the fellow students. After the conference, we will evaluate the presentations and the conference topic in order to deepen our understanding of international differences in agnotological perspectives in criminology. The focus here will be on developing a comparative perspective that moves beyond a simplistic equation of nationality and culture. There is also the option to choose the next CS in the fall for a presentation instead of  Komotini, but still attend this course. The fall CS will takes place in Porto (Portugal).  

Qualification objective

The key objective of the course is to explore together how to make the participation in an international conference productive and beneficial: This includes engaging with a presentation, asking questions about other presentations, getting in touch with other universities, broadening one’s own theoretical perspective, and comparing cultural approaches.
-       expanding knowledge of comparative criminological research as well as gaining insights into different criminological school of thoughts in targeting criminal and security policy and
-       gaining the ability to present at international conferences and actively participate in criminological debates in a foreign language (English).

Structure / Content of the Course:

 - Introduction to the theoretical frame and background of the network
- Thematic preparation for the conference: introducing and situating non-knowledge as analytical frame
- Deepening of the respective conference topic in classical reading and discussion formats
- Preparing a paper (presentation) in English
- Practising and reflecting on presentation techniques
- Participation in the student conference, which takes place at one of the partner Universities
- Post-processing of the conference topic and following up on the perspectives of the conference
- Post-processing of the presentations and outlook

The literature will be handed out at the beginning of the course.

Zusätzliche Hinweise zu Prüfungen:
Requirements for course participation:
·      Active participation in the seminar: incl. text reading, presentation preparation and constructive feedback on presentation rehearsals
·      Participation in the Common Session Conference
·      Written term paper in English, submitted at the end of the semester (graded)
·      Or: giving a presentation in English at the Common Session conference and submitting the written version of the presentation including sources (graded).
Length of the term paper: 17-20 p. add. literature; Length of the written version of the presentation: 5 p. add. literature 
Date of submission: 30.09.2024 (through Olat)
Grading: The assessment of the examination will be communicated by the lecturer within 12 weeks of submission.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Di, 2. Apr. 2024 16:15 17:45 MBA HörS 030 Dr. Bettina Paul
2 Di, 9. Apr. 2024 16:15 17:45 MBA HörS 030 Dr. Bettina Paul
3 Di, 16. Apr. 2024 16:15 17:45 MBA HörS 030 Dr. Bettina Paul
4 Di, 23. Apr. 2024 16:15 17:45 MBA HörS 030 Dr. Bettina Paul
5 Di, 30. Apr. 2024 16:15 17:45 MBA HörS 030 Dr. Bettina Paul
6 Di, 7. Mai 2024 16:15 17:45 MBA HörS 030 Dr. Bettina Paul
7 Di, 14. Mai 2024 16:15 17:45 MBA HörS 030 Dr. Bettina Paul
8 Di, 28. Mai 2024 16:15 17:45 MBA HörS 030 Dr. Bettina Paul
9 Di, 4. Jun. 2024 16:15 17:45 MBA HörS 030 Dr. Bettina Paul
10 Di, 11. Jun. 2024 16:15 17:45 MBA HörS 030 Dr. Bettina Paul
11 Di, 18. Jun. 2024 16:15 17:45 MBA HörS 030 Dr. Bettina Paul
12 Di, 25. Jun. 2024 16:15 17:45 MBA HörS 030 Dr. Bettina Paul
13 Di, 2. Jul. 2024 16:15 17:45 MBA HörS 030 Dr. Bettina Paul
14 Di, 9. Jul. 2024 16:15 17:45 MBA HörS 030 Dr. Bettina Paul
Veranstaltungseigene Prüfungen
Beschreibung Datum Lehrende Pflicht
1. Hausarbeit k.Terminbuchung Ja
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Dr. Bettina Paul