63-063 Studienprojekt - Übung: Istanbul


Lehrende: Prof. Dr. Eray Cayli

Veranstaltungsart: Übung

Anzeige im Stundenplan:

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 1 | 20

Weitere Informationen:
Die Vergabe der Plätze ist bereits am Ende des Sommersemesters 2023 erfolgt.

Kommentare/ Inhalte:
Istanbul is a former imperial capital, contemporary Turkey's foremost urban destination for business, culture and migration, and a metropolis of 16 million people located on tectonically active ground. As such, the city is at the heart of some of the world's most urgent urban issues such as disaster preparedness, housing provision, infrastructural development, heritage and tourism, and changing labour/class structures. This course explores how, by whom, and for whom these issues are spatially understood and acted upon especially through discourses and practices of "urban transformation." Each weekly topic will focus on one of the key issues mentioned above through assigned readings on context-specific implications as well as theoretically and conceptually charged texts that will help us situate Istanbul in a global context. Weekly discussions based on these readings will familiarize students critically and analytically with the ways in which Istanbul's geographies across various scales are shaped by contested approaches to safety, security, risk, value, mobility, identity, and publicness (each weekly reading will be briefly introduced by a student to facilitate the discussion). Assessment involves three components. The first is a 8-minute-long oral presentation (Referat) delivered in the final week of Winter Semester and weighted at 20% (an abstract submitted halfway through semester [but not officially graded] prepares students for this exercise). The second is peer feedback delivered during the day of presentations and weighted at 20%. The final piece assessed formally is a term paper (Hausarbeit) submitted at the end of Summer Semester and weighted at 60%.

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

1. List and explain theories and histories relevant to Istanbul's contemporary geographies; 
2. Outline and critically evaluate in written and oral form how and why these histories and theories are relevant to social, cultural, and political developments in Istanbul; 
3. Critically engage with the role of materialities and spatialities in constituting the developments mentioned above, including bodies, infrastructures, and various kinds of urban space; 
4. Familiarise with various and often conflicting approaches to the questions of who gets to have a say on and who is affected by recent, ongoing, and/or planned material-spatial transformations in/of Istanbul; 
5. Apply the above to the critical analysis of specific cases from the recent past or the present.

The main pedagogical format of this course is seminar. This means it is taught through weekly readings and in-class discussions based on them. There are two required readings per week as well as recommended ones (PDFs of all will be provided in advance). Each reading will be introduced briefly (max. 10 minutes) by a student, followed by open discussion. There will also be structured discussions involving group work and guided by Eray’s questions and/or further material he will introduce on the day. Students are encouraged to use what is called a “reflection sheet” to structure their thoughts ahead of each class so as to prepare to participate as fully as possible in the discussions to be had in class. This is effectively a form with three simple sections that help structure one’s reflections on what one has read (a template and further information are provided here under "Resources"). Doing so is likely to benefit especially those students presenting a required weekly text. The seminars may involve discussions in groups of varying sizes (in pairs, in trios, and within the whole group). The office hours will enable one-to-one discussion of students’ projects. Where relevant and feasible, the course will make use of visual material, guest appearances, online video tutorials on the technicalities of coursework, and online platforms for dialogic/collective critique (i.e., by way of posting reflections on MIN-Moodle), extending our work to spaces/communities outside the classroom and/or campus.


Leading academic journals that publish latest research on topics relevant to this course include but are not limited to Urban Geography, Progress in Human Geography, Antipode, The Professional Geographer, Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, and International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.

Zusätzliche Hinweise zu Prüfungen:
This module has three assignments that impact your final grade and one that is not graded formally but only meant to help you prepare for the other three. The three assignments graded formally are an oral presentation (Referat), your feedback on each other's presentations, and a term paper (Hausarbeit). In both the Referat and the Hausarbeit, students develop and demonstrate an ability to critically analyse Istanbul's geographies in light of the material covered in this course. Both are strictly research-based exercises, and must offer a clear and coherent argument and adhere to formal academic conventions. Alongside the general guidelines available through the University, a brief and rubric are provided below to inform students of the expectations and the assessment criteria involved. The term paper must be 60,000 characters long (it is okay to be 10% above or below this length) and use Chicago-style citation. The deadline is 13 July 2024 (4.30pm). The oral presentation, delivered in the final week of Winter Semester, covers the preparation you have done by that point on your term paper. Each presentation is max. 8 minutes long (or approximately 6,000 characters in textual terms) and followed by questions from class; attendance is mandatory throughout the whole series of presentations. The feedback you will write up during the day of presentations will also contribute to your final grade (weighted at 20% and therefore at 1% for each individual and group you give feedback to). There is a preparatory exercise to help your work towards both these formally marked assignments: a 3,000-character abstract in progress (including a research question) to be submitted by 10 December 2023.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Di, 17. Okt. 2023 14:15 15:45 Geom 531 Prof. Dr. Eray Cayli
2 Di, 24. Okt. 2023 14:15 17:15 Geom 742 Prof. Dr. Eray Cayli
3 Di, 14. Nov. 2023 14:00 16:15 Geom 531 Prof. Dr. Eray Cayli
4 Di, 21. Nov. 2023 14:15 16:30 Geom 531 Prof. Dr. Eray Cayli
5 Di, 28. Nov. 2023 14:00 16:15 Geom 531 Prof. Dr. Eray Cayli
6 Di, 5. Dez. 2023 14:15 16:30 Geom 531 Prof. Dr. Eray Cayli
7 Di, 19. Dez. 2023 14:15 16:30 Geom 531 Prof. Dr. Eray Cayli
8 Di, 16. Jan. 2024 14:15 17:00 Geom 531 Prof. Dr. Eray Cayli
9 Di, 30. Jan. 2024 13:45 16:15 Geom 531 Prof. Dr. Eray Cayli
Verbundene Veranstaltungen
Die Veranstaltung ist mit folgenden Veranstaltungen verbunden:
  • 63-062 Studienprojekt - Geländepraktikum: Istanbul


    Prof. Dr. Eray Cayli


  • 63-063 Studienprojekt - Übung: Istanbul


    Prof. Dr. Eray Cayli

    Di, 17. Okt. 2023 [14:15]-Di, 30. Jan. 2024 [16:15]

Prüfungen im Rahmen von Modulen
Modul (Startsemester)/ Kurs Prüfung Datum Lehrende Bestehens­pflicht
GEO-STU2 (V2) Studienprojekt (WiSe 23/24) / Geogr-1001  Studienprojekt - Übung: Istanbul 1  Übungsabschluss ohne Termin Prof. Dr. Eray Cayli Ja
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Prof. Dr. Eray Cayli