23-35.41.232 Labour Market Insecurity, Health and Well-being (Soziologie)


Lehrende: Dr. Giulia Tattarini

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Anzeige im Stundenplan: AWG_M4.039S

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Credits: 6,0

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 26

Kommentare/ Inhalte:
In Western societies, work is central to people’s life. It provides individuals with income and psycho-social well-being, thus contributing substantially to their health and quality of life. However, not all people have the same chances to participate in the labour market. Unemployment, for instance, has been found to be detrimental to people’s health: its consequences may last a long time and even negatively spill over to other family members. Yet, some people cope with unemployment better than others, and this may depend on several factors, such as gender, family-employment constellations, and the institutional/cultural context.
Nevertheless, having a job does not per se improve individuals’ quality of life. Over the last decades, work and employment relationships have become increasingly unstable, insecure and uncertain for an increasing portion of the working population, with people facing a higher risk of job insecurity and unemployment. For instance, “on-demand,” “gig,” or “sharing economy,” allowing firms to use digital platforms as their organizational structure, have redefined workers as independent contractors shifting on them the risks previously handled by the firm. Surprisingly, precarisation has also infiltrated those jobs usually assumed to be secure and well-rewarded, such as academic jobs. ­Characterized by employment insecurity, income inadequacy, and lack of rights and protection, these precarious forms of employment relationships and working conditions have become important dimensions affecting the quality of employment and, in turn, health and the quality of life.

Understanding how and to what extent unemployment and precarious employment conditions may promote or endanger people’s well-being and health is a central aspect of this seminar, which asks the following questions: Why and how is work central to people’s well-being? When is work “good work” and when does work contribute to good health and well-being? How can we explain differences in employment and working conditions across demographic groups? What can be done to guarantee good work and promote individuals’ well-being?

The seminar will offer a theoretical and empirical overview of the impacts of labour-market risks – namely, unemployment and precarious employment – on different well-being indicators such as life satisfaction, mental health and physical health. Moreover, we will discuss different unemployment and precarious employment measures, statistical concepts and definitions in order to understand the potential implications and problems associated with different measurements (in comparative research). To do so, classical studies in sociology and economics, as well as extant empirical research in the field will be proposed as material to study. Finally, grassroots, organizational and political initiatives to fight labour market and health inequality will be discussed and evaluated by engaging in different roles and group activities. Previous knowledge of the sociology of work and well-being is not required but will be very helpful throughout the course.
The course/ seminar will be held in English. A more detailed description of the course, literature and examination requirements will be available in OpenOLAT at the start of the semester.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mi, 18. Okt. 2023 08:15 09:45 VMP 9 S28 Dr. Giulia Tattarini
2 Mi, 25. Okt. 2023 08:15 09:45 VMP 9 S28 Dr. Giulia Tattarini
3 Mi, 1. Nov. 2023 08:15 09:45 VMP 9 S28 Dr. Giulia Tattarini
4 Mi, 8. Nov. 2023 08:15 09:45 VMP 9 B528 Dr. Giulia Tattarini
5 Mi, 15. Nov. 2023 08:15 09:45 VMP 9 S28 Dr. Giulia Tattarini
6 Mi, 22. Nov. 2023 08:15 09:45 VMP 9 S28 Dr. Giulia Tattarini
7 Mi, 29. Nov. 2023 08:15 09:45 VMP 9 S28 Dr. Giulia Tattarini
8 Mi, 6. Dez. 2023 08:15 09:45 VMP 9 S28 Dr. Giulia Tattarini
9 Mi, 13. Dez. 2023 08:15 09:45 VMP 9 S28 Dr. Giulia Tattarini
10 Mi, 20. Dez. 2023 08:15 09:45 VMP 9 S28 Dr. Giulia Tattarini
11 Mi, 10. Jan. 2024 08:15 09:45 VMP 9 S28 Dr. Giulia Tattarini
12 Mi, 17. Jan. 2024 08:15 09:45 VMP 9 S28 Dr. Giulia Tattarini
13 Mi, 24. Jan. 2024 08:15 09:45 VMP 9 S28 Dr. Giulia Tattarini
14 Mi, 31. Jan. 2024 08:15 09:45 VMP 9 S28 Dr. Giulia Tattarini
Prüfungen im Rahmen von Modulen
Modul (Startsemester)/ Kurs Prüfung Datum Lehrende Bestehens­pflicht
SowiLA-12_VMSoz Vertiefungsmodul Spezielle Soziologie (WiSe 14/15) / 24-612.xx  Labour Market Insecurity, Health and Well-being (Soziologie) 21  Referat mit schriftlicher Ausarbeitung Mi, 13. Mär. 2024, 00:00 - 24:00 Dr. Giulia Tattarini Ja
Veranstaltungseigene Prüfungen
Beschreibung Datum Lehrende Pflicht
1. Hausarbeit Mi, 13. Mär. 2024 00:00-24:00 Dr. Giulia Tattarini Ja
2. Referat mit schriftlicher Ausarbeitung Mi, 13. Mär. 2024 00:00-24:00 Dr. Giulia Tattarini Ja
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Dr. Giulia Tattarini