51-78.01.1 Politics of Memory / Shared Heritage – On the way to a common “we”


Lehrende: Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Enns

Veranstaltungsart: Blocklehrveranstaltung

Anzeige im Stundenplan: memory culture

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | -

Weitere Informationen:
Blockseminar in Detmold, persönliche Anmeldung erforderlich

Kommentare/ Inhalte:
Dear Students and Colleagues,
we look forward to our annual 
European Mennonite Students of Theology Meeting (EMSTM), 13-16 April 2023. 
This year, a diverse team has committed itself to plan the content of the meeting. For the
first time, it will take place “at the heart” of the so-called Russian-German communities in
Mennonite students and lecturers from The Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland, from
France, the UK, and probably many other countries –
 including those Mennonites from
abroad who study in Europe at this time –
 will gather to study, discuss and share, pray and
The theme 
"Memory culture" describes a broad field. It provides insight into historically derived identi-
ties and into the current self-understanding of individuals and groups. And there is a colorful
diversity in the Anabaptist-Mennonite family. If there is already no common "Mennonite nar-
rative" in Europe, this is further expanded by looking at the global Anabaptist-Mennonite
community. EMSTM 2023 will follow the trail of this diversity. The venue for the conference
is the “Museum für russlanddeutsche Kulturgeschichte” in Detmold
Seite 2/3
The program:
In the museum we will learn about different aspects of the Russian-German culture of re-
membrance and experience the presentation of history in a modern way in the newly estab-
lished Escape Game. In presentations and workshops the topic "Memory and Remem-
brance" will be deepened theoretically and practically. The complexity of the Anabaptist-
Mennonite culture of remembrance poses many questions. What history do individual con-
gregations and actors trace back to? What traditions and self-evident facts developed? And
what impact does the remembrance of history have today? One particular aspect is the way
in which traumatic events are dealt with.
As usual, we will start and end our days with morning and evening prayers. Please indicate
if you are willing to take the lead in one of those prayers (about 15 –
 20 minutes). 
On Sunday, we plan to participate in the worship service of a Mennonite Congregation near
the museum. 
The place: 
We have booked hotel rooms for you near the museum. 
We have become accustomed to use English as ‘lingua franca’ during our meetings, but we
want to accommodate also those who speak other languages –
 as far as possible. Our goal
is to be inclusive. Please indicate with your registration, if you need translation from/to Eng-
Financial support:
Please check with your national coordinator (list below), how your Mennonite Church/Con-
ference will help you financially. If you do not belong to any conference or if you need some
other support, please do not hesitate to contact us. No one shall miss this meeting because
of financial restrictions!
For our planning, it will be great to hear from you by 19 March 2023, if you plan to participate. 
Please indicate any special needs or diets. Send your registration to
Heinrich Wiens, h.wiens@russlanddeutsche.de
Dr. Astrid von Schlachta, astrid.vonschlachta@uni-hamburg.de
and cc friedenskirchen@uni-hamburg.de please.
On behalf of the organizing team, Heinrich Wiens, Astrid von Schlachta, and Miriam van

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Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Enns