57-314 PRÄSENZ: Contemporary Art and Resistance in West Papua (and Indonesia) [W][SG][KS]


Lehrende: Marion Struck-Garbe M.A.

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Art

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Credits: 4,0

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | -

Kommentare/ Inhalte:
We know little about West Papua, the easternmost part of Indonesia, and even less about its contemporary art. This seminar wants to address and counter this knowledge gap.
For 60 years, the people of West Papua have felt occupied by Indonesia, while the Indonesians are convinced that they have liberated West Papua from the Dutch colonial power. Since that time, the (West) Papuans have been fighting for their independence in different ways. The Indonesian government uses military and police force to suppress their struggle, even in its smallest manifestations.
The military and police are very brutal and do not shy away from the worst human rights violations. This behaviour fosters anti-Indonesian sentiments.
The Indonesians, as supposed liberators, looked down on the (West) Papuans and their culture. They considered them backward, uneducated, developmentally unable and slow, retarded and resistant to modern development; all indigenous cultural achievements were branded inferior. Because of their dark skin and frizzy hair the (West) Papuans feel discriminated. Still today they are often regarded as animals and get called monkeys. West Papuans fear that ‘the Indonesians’ want to systematically destroy their culture based on a sense of superiority. They think Indonesia is only interested in their rich resources, not in the people of West Papua.
In such situation art serves as an important tool in the fight against discrimination and stereotypical attributions. This also happens in the cultural self-assertion of West Papuans. Artists have found numerous ways to creatively respond to marginalisation and oppression, be it in photography, visual arts, performance, dance, film, music or literature. In a country where freedom of expression is suppressed, what chances and opportunities do artists have to be productive, heard and seen? We will analyse the West Papuans fighting for their rights through the use of political art and visual protest.
Art gives people a different approach to the world than mere words and political pamphlets. Art combines logical arguments with affective persuasiveness. It provides positive offers of identification to help determine our feelings of belonging and it thus can affect political opinions and decisions (whether consciously or unconsciously.)
Artists as activists: Under which conditions is artistic creation possible? How do the artists see their role: more as activists or more as artists?
Art as resistance: Under which conditions can art be understood as resistance and which ambivalences and conflicts are associated with this? What role can art play in the political and social resistance?
Aesthetics of resistance:
We will familiarise ourselves with the aesthetic resistance in this region and debate about its forms, effects, and deficits. Further on we will discuss the role of the aesthetics and forms of political, cultural, and social resistance.
We will look at these three (above) points of analysis in relation to West Papua and at the same time take a comparative look at resistance art elsewhere in Indonesia, especially during the struggle against Dutch colonialism.
Zoom meetings and interviews with different artists form Indonesia / West Papua complement the approach and the working method.
The seminar is intended as a project seminar. The aim is to jointly develop an exhibition in poster format. The focus is on visual arts, performance and music. How the exhibition will be designed will be decided together during the seminar. Assignment: A short presentation of a chosen topic from the different cultures and art areas and a finished poster, both can be developed in teamwork.

Preliminary reading notes:

  • In the Shadow of the Palms : More-Than-Human Becomings in West Papua / Sophie Chao (Volltext Zugang, Stabi Uni-Hamburg)
  • Morning star rising : the politics of decolonization in West Papua / Camellia Webb-Gannon Asien-Afrika-Institut 10: H/09 28/33 009
  • Another Aesthetics Is Possible : Arts of Rebellion in the Fourth World War / Jennifer Ponce de León (Volltext Zugang, Stabi Uni-Hamburg)

Zusätzliche Hinweise zu Prüfungen:


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Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Fr, 14. Apr. 2023 10:00 12:00 ESA O, Rm 124 Marion Struck-Garbe M.A.
2 Fr, 21. Apr. 2023 10:00 12:00 ESA O, Rm 124 Marion Struck-Garbe M.A.
3 Fr, 28. Apr. 2023 10:00 12:00 ESA O, Rm 222 Marion Struck-Garbe M.A.
4 Fr, 5. Mai 2023 10:00 12:00 ESA O, Rm 222 Marion Struck-Garbe M.A.
5 Fr, 12. Mai 2023 10:00 12:00 ESA O, Rm 222 Marion Struck-Garbe M.A.
6 Fr, 26. Mai 2023 10:00 12:00 ESA O, Rm 222 Marion Struck-Garbe M.A.
7 Fr, 2. Jun. 2023 10:00 12:00 ESA O, Rm 222 Marion Struck-Garbe M.A.
8 Fr, 9. Jun. 2023 10:00 12:00 ESA O, Rm 222 Marion Struck-Garbe M.A.
9 Fr, 16. Jun. 2023 10:00 12:00 ESA O, Rm 222 Marion Struck-Garbe M.A.
10 Fr, 23. Jun. 2023 10:00 12:00 ESA O, Rm 222 Marion Struck-Garbe M.A.
11 Fr, 30. Jun. 2023 10:00 12:00 ESA O, Rm 222 Marion Struck-Garbe M.A.
12 Fr, 7. Jul. 2023 10:00 12:00 ESA O, Rm 222 Marion Struck-Garbe M.A.
13 Fr, 14. Jul. 2023 10:00 12:00 ESA O, Rm 222 Marion Struck-Garbe M.A.
Veranstaltungseigene Prüfungen
Beschreibung Datum Lehrende Pflicht
1. Studienleistung k.Terminbuchung Ja
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Marion Struck-Garbe M.A.