63-098 Empathic design tools for research on plural connections


Lehrende: Viviane Nicoletti

Veranstaltungsart: Übung

Anzeige im Stundenplan:

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Credits: 4,0

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 10 | 22

Weitere Informationen:
Die Übung wird in englischer Sprache durchgeführt von Frau Viviane Nicoletti

Main Topics
Phase: Theoretical conceptualization.
Presentation of conceptual debates
a) wicked problems in design thinking;
b) design for the pluriverse;
c) human and non-human actors.
Me and the Other in the process of designing
a) collaborative design;
b) participatory design.
Case studies
a) presentation of territorially located projects.
Phase: Theoretical-practical
Design tools to trigger empathy
a) methodological design tools to map the problem situation;
b) methodological design tools for empathetic listening;
c) methodological design tools for generating design ideas.
Phase: Practical application
a) delimitation of the problem situation;
b) mapping of social actors;
c) approximation and engagement;
d) generation of ideas;
e) proposition;
f) prototyping
e) test to improve.

Kommentare/ Inhalte:
The design field was founded upon the concern to integrate science and technology. Its
founding character is still present in its field of action in contemporary culture, proposing
connections and expanding its meanings. The propositional nature of this field seeks not
only to interpret life in its plurality but also to offer methods to understand, design, and
interact with complex environments.
The proposed summer course to be delivered at the University of Hamburg aims to
provide students with insights into current debates in the design field concerned with
interpreting the plurality of relationships in life on the planet.
The course will showcase current methodological tools of empathetic approaches to
developing collaborative and participatory projects, including presentations of case
studies, theoretical-practical exercises, and a proposal for an applied project.

Main Topics
Phase: Theoretical conceptualization.
Presentation of conceptual debates
a) wicked problems in design thinking;
b) design for the pluriverse;
c) human and non-human actors.
Me and the Other in the process of designing
a) collaborative design;
b) participatory design.
Case studies
a) presentation of territorially located projects.
Phase: Theoretical-practical
Design tools to trigger empathy
a) methodological design tools to map the problem situation;
b) methodological design tools for empathetic listening;
c) methodological design tools for generating design ideas.
Phase: Practical application
a) delimitation of the problem situation;
b) mapping of social actors;
c) approximation and engagement;
d) generation of ideas;
e) proposition;
f) prototyping
e) test to improve.

Basic Bibliography
Akama, Y; Pink, Sarah; Sumartojo, S. (2020). Uncertainty and Possibility: New
Approaches to Future Making in Design Anthropology. Routledge.
Buchanan, R. (1992). Wicked Problems in Design Thinking. Design Issues: Vol. VIII, No. 2,
Spring 1992, p. 5-21
Costanza-Chock, S. (2020) Design Justice: Community-Led Practices to Build the Worlds
We Need. MIT Press.
Escobar, A. (2018) Designs for the Pluriverse: Radical Interdependence, Autonomy, and
the Making of Worlds. Duke University Press.
Haraway, D. (2016) Staying with the Trouble Making Kin in the Chthulucene. Duke
University Press.
Ingold, T. (2020) Correspondences. Kartoniert. Wiley & Sons.
Krenak, A. (2019). Ideas to postpone the end of the world.Companhia das Letras.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Do, 1. Jun. 2023 12:15 15:45 Geom 531 Viviane Nicoletti
2 Do, 8. Jun. 2023 12:15 15:45 Geom 531 Viviane Nicoletti
3 Do, 15. Jun. 2023 12:15 15:45 Geom 531 Viviane Nicoletti
4 Do, 22. Jun. 2023 12:15 15:45 Geom 531 Viviane Nicoletti
5 Do, 29. Jun. 2023 12:15 15:45 Geom 531 Viviane Nicoletti
6 Do, 6. Jul. 2023 12:15 15:45 Geom 531 Viviane Nicoletti
7 Do, 13. Jul. 2023 12:15 15:45 Geom 531 Viviane Nicoletti
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Viviane Nicoletti