66-312 Nanostructure physics II - magnetism and surface physics


Lehrende: Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe

Veranstaltungsart: Vorlesung

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Nanostrukturph. II

Semesterwochenstunden: 4

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 5 | -

Kommentare/ Inhalte:
- ultra-high-vacuum and low temperature technology
- surface strutures, including superstructures
- surface characterization tools using electrons or photons
- scanning probe methods
- scanning probe methods to study magnetism and spin dynamics
- magnetoresistance effects
- complex magnetic order including spin spirals and skyrmions
- surface electronic structure including surface states and Rashba effect
- band magnetism
- generalized Heisenberg models in quantum mechanical and semiclassical descriptions including crystal field anisotropy and exchange interactions
- magnetization dynamics: precession, spin waves, Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation
- recent hot topics: topological insulators, magnetic skyrmions, topological superconductors, Majorana bound states

After successfully completing this module the students will have a good overview of both fundamentals and current research in the fields of surface science, electronic structure and magnetism in reduced dimensions, and spintronics. A focus of this lecture will be put on magnetic atoms, nanostructures, and films on single crystal surfaces. The students will be able to understand experimental sample preparation procedures as well as experimental techniques of low-temperature physics and different surface science characterization tools, such as for instance spin-sensitive scanning probe methods. They will be able to identify different magnetic interactions responsible for the emergence of magnetic order and will be able to explain different theoretical tools for an understanding and prediction of complex magnetic states including their dynamics. Finally, they will be able to connect the topics to current research activities like, e.g., topological materials, magnetic skyrmions, and skyrmion-superconductor hybrid sytems.

Students will be eligible to perform the Nanostrukturphysik II - Vertiefungspraktikum either during the module or anytime afterwards.

Festkörperphysik, R. Gross und A. Marx (De Gruyter 2014)
Festkörperphysik, S. Hunklinger (De Gruyter Oldenbourg)
Tieftemperaturphysik, C. Enss und S. Hunklinger (Springer 2000)
Magnetism in Condensed Matter, S. Blundell (Oxford University Press)
Simple Models of Magnetism, R. Skomski (Oxford Graduate Texts)
Magnetism, J. Stöhr und H.C. Siegmann (Springer)
Physics of Ferromagnetism, S. Chikazumi (Oxford Science Publications)
Surface Physics: An Introduction, P. Hofmann (e book only 2016)
Oberflächenphysik des Festkörpers, M. Henzler / W. Göpel (Teubner 1994)
Physics of Surfaces and Interfaces, H. Ibach (Springer 2006)
Scanning Probe Microscopy and Spectroscopy, R. Wiesendanger (Cambridge University Press)

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Di, 5. Apr. 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
2 Do, 7. Apr. 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
3 Di, 12. Apr. 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
4 Do, 14. Apr. 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
5 Di, 19. Apr. 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
6 Do, 21. Apr. 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
7 Di, 26. Apr. 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
8 Do, 28. Apr. 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
9 Di, 3. Mai 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
10 Do, 5. Mai 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
11 Di, 10. Mai 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
12 Do, 12. Mai 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
13 Di, 17. Mai 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
14 Do, 19. Mai 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
15 Di, 31. Mai 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
16 Do, 2. Jun. 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
17 Di, 7. Jun. 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
18 Do, 9. Jun. 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
19 Di, 14. Jun. 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
20 Do, 16. Jun. 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
21 Di, 21. Jun. 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
22 Do, 23. Jun. 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
23 Di, 28. Jun. 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
24 Do, 30. Jun. 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
25 Di, 5. Jul. 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
26 Do, 7. Jul. 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
27 Di, 12. Jul. 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
28 Do, 14. Jul. 2022 08:30 10:00 SemRm 1083 Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann; Dr. Jens Wiebe
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Dr. Jens Wiebe
Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann