23-25.02.221 Advanced English: Englisch für VWL und Soziologie


Lehrende: Maura-Dell O Mahony

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Anzeige im Stundenplan: VWL, Soziologie EN

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Credits: 6,0
Hinweis: In Ihrer Prüfungsordnung können abweichende Credits festgelegt sein.

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 10 | 20

Anmeldegruppe: Advanced English

Weitere Informationen:
Max. 24 students

Kommentare/ Inhalte:

Das Niveau von B2 ist zwar erwünscht und fast immer vorhanden, Sie müssen Ihr Sprachniveau aber nicht nachweisen.

Wenn Sie den ‚English Foundation Course‘ im Grundstudium erfolgreich abgeschlossen haben, bringen Sie sicherlich das gewünschte Niveau mit, aber die erfolgreiche Teilnahme an dieser Lehrveranstaltung ist trotzdem keine Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme am ‚Advanced English‘, d.h. wenn Sie im Grundstudium Buchführung und Politische Geschichte abgeschlossen haben und nicht am Englisch teilgenommen haben, ist es kein Nachteil.  

Siehe auch:

Target group:
Although this course caters specifically for students who have chosen to major in Economics and Sociology, students of Business Administration or Labour & Commercial Law are also welcome to participate.
Maximum no. of participants: 20

Students should ideally have a good, upper-intermediate level of English - Level B2, Independent User - according to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference).
Students should be in their third year of studies.
Students must be prepared to participate actively and also, where required, to work as part of a team.
Interdisciplinary openness and cooperation are expected of all students who wish to participate in this course.


  • Oral presentations: students improve their English oral skills (passive and active).
  • Preparing a subject-specific vocabulary list on a topic of interest and relevance: students improve their knowledge of specific and useful terminology and share this knowledge with the rest of the class.
  • Reading the chosen texts: students improve their English reading comprehension skills.
  • Questions-and-answers and discussion sessions after the presentations: students improve their active English oral skills .
  • Discussion of the articles: students improve their active English oral skills.
  • Presenting on their chosen topic as well as participating in questions-and-answers and discussions sessions, also on topics chosen by other students, should help students to improve their oral skills in the chosen field of study and interest.
  • Writing the summaries and critiques: helps students to develop and improve their academic writing skills.
  • Specific terminology should be actively acquired, activated and consolidated in this course (oral and written).
  • Students will receive extensive feedback from the lecturer on their presentations and prepared material (vocabulary list, summary and critique).
  • All of the above is done in a study-specific context.


  • Individual, partner or group presentations on topics specifically related to the chosen area of study, i.e. Economics and Sociology.
  • A vocabulary list per topic is to be prepared and made available to all members of the class in advance of each presentation.
  • Topic-related texts/articles, written by native speakers, aimed at an 'expert' audience (selected by lecturer and/or those due to present); to be read by all class members in advance of each presentation.
  • Each presentation is followed by a questions-and-answers session and discussion on the topic.
  • Each presentation is followed by a discussion on the article.
  • Each presentation is followed by feedback from fellow students and the lecturer.
  • Each student is expected to write two 1,000-1,500-word texts on 1) the article on the topic of their own and 2) of another presentation. These texts are to consist of a summary and critique of the chosen articles.

Documents selected and/or prepared by lecturer and/or students and posted on e-learning platform MS Teams.

Zusätzliche Hinweise zu Prüfungen:
Regular and active participation, oral presentation, presentation materials (vocabulary list, discussion tasks), peer evaluation, academic writing (summary and critique of the articles in question).

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mo, 4. Apr. 2022 14:15 15:45 VMP 9 B130 Maura-Dell O Mahony
2 Mo, 11. Apr. 2022 14:15 15:45 VMP 9 B130 Maura-Dell O Mahony
3 Mo, 25. Apr. 2022 14:15 15:45 VMP 9 B130 Maura-Dell O Mahony
4 Mo, 2. Mai 2022 14:15 15:45 VMP 9 B130 Maura-Dell O Mahony
5 Mo, 9. Mai 2022 14:15 15:45 VMP 9 B130 Maura-Dell O Mahony
6 Mo, 16. Mai 2022 14:15 15:45 VMP 9 B130 Maura-Dell O Mahony
7 Mo, 30. Mai 2022 14:15 15:45 VMP 9 B130 Maura-Dell O Mahony
8 Mo, 13. Jun. 2022 14:15 15:45 VMP 9 B130 Maura-Dell O Mahony
9 Mo, 20. Jun. 2022 14:15 15:45 VMP 9 B130 Maura-Dell O Mahony
10 Mo, 27. Jun. 2022 14:15 15:45 VMP 9 B130 Maura-Dell O Mahony
11 Mo, 4. Jul. 2022 14:15 15:45 VMP 9 B130 Maura-Dell O Mahony
12 Mo, 11. Jul. 2022 14:15 15:45 VMP 9 B130 Maura-Dell O Mahony
Veranstaltungseigene Prüfungen
Beschreibung Datum Lehrende Pflicht
1. Referat mit schriftlicher Ausarbeitung Do, 15. Sep. 2022 00:00-23:59 Maura-Dell O Mahony Ja
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Maura-Dell O Mahony