66-936 Seminar über Astrophysik


Lehrende: Prof. Dr. Stefan Robi Banerjee; Prof. Dr. Marcus Brüggen; Prof. Dr. Peter Hauschildt; Prof. Dr. Jochen Liske

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Sem Astrophysik

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch / Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 5 | -

Weitere Informationen:
This seminar is the institute seminar of Hamburg Observatory, in which
talks are presented by mostly external speakers on a wide range of
topics in astrophysics. All talks are presented in English. Usually, the
seminar takes place during the lecture period of each semester on
Wednesdays at 2 pm.

To register for this seminar, please send an email to
sternwarte@hs.uni-hamburg.de in addition to registering on STiNE.

To find out the date, time and topic of each talk, please refer to the
following website:
https://www.physik.uni-hamburg.de/hs/about-us/seminar.html . This is
also where you will find the access details (zoom link). Please note
that the list of talks is updated frequently, so make sure to check the
website above regularly.

To receive the credit points for this seminar, you need to submit a
written summary of each talk (0.5-1 page per talk) within 4 weeks of the
end of the lecture period to sternwarte@hs-uni-hamburg.de. IMPORTANT: to
receive the credits you also need to register for the seminar's "exam"
on STiNE.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mi, 13. Okt. 2021 14:00 15:30 AT 047 Prof. Dr. Stefan Robi Banerjee; Prof. Dr. Marcus Brüggen; Prof. Dr. Peter Hauschildt; Prof. Dr. Jochen Liske
2 Mi, 20. Okt. 2021 14:00 15:30 AT 047 Prof. Dr. Stefan Robi Banerjee; Prof. Dr. Marcus Brüggen; Prof. Dr. Peter Hauschildt; Prof. Dr. Jochen Liske
3 Mi, 27. Okt. 2021 14:00 15:30 AT 047 Prof. Dr. Stefan Robi Banerjee; Prof. Dr. Marcus Brüggen; Prof. Dr. Peter Hauschildt; Prof. Dr. Jochen Liske
4 Mi, 3. Nov. 2021 14:00 15:30 AT 047 Prof. Dr. Stefan Robi Banerjee; Prof. Dr. Marcus Brüggen; Prof. Dr. Peter Hauschildt; Prof. Dr. Jochen Liske
5 Mi, 10. Nov. 2021 14:00 15:30 AT 047 Prof. Dr. Stefan Robi Banerjee; Prof. Dr. Marcus Brüggen; Prof. Dr. Peter Hauschildt; Prof. Dr. Jochen Liske
6 Mi, 17. Nov. 2021 14:00 15:30 AT 047 Prof. Dr. Stefan Robi Banerjee; Prof. Dr. Marcus Brüggen; Prof. Dr. Peter Hauschildt; Prof. Dr. Jochen Liske
7 Mi, 24. Nov. 2021 14:00 15:30 AT 047 Prof. Dr. Stefan Robi Banerjee; Prof. Dr. Marcus Brüggen; Prof. Dr. Peter Hauschildt; Prof. Dr. Jochen Liske
8 Mi, 1. Dez. 2021 14:00 15:30 AT 047 Prof. Dr. Stefan Robi Banerjee; Prof. Dr. Marcus Brüggen; Prof. Dr. Peter Hauschildt; Prof. Dr. Jochen Liske
9 Mi, 8. Dez. 2021 14:00 15:30 AT 047 Prof. Dr. Stefan Robi Banerjee; Prof. Dr. Marcus Brüggen; Prof. Dr. Peter Hauschildt; Prof. Dr. Jochen Liske
10 Mi, 15. Dez. 2021 14:00 15:30 AT 047 Prof. Dr. Stefan Robi Banerjee; Prof. Dr. Marcus Brüggen; Prof. Dr. Peter Hauschildt; Prof. Dr. Jochen Liske
11 Mi, 5. Jan. 2022 14:00 15:30 AT 047 Prof. Dr. Stefan Robi Banerjee; Prof. Dr. Marcus Brüggen; Prof. Dr. Peter Hauschildt; Prof. Dr. Jochen Liske
12 Mi, 12. Jan. 2022 14:00 15:30 AT 047 Prof. Dr. Stefan Robi Banerjee; Prof. Dr. Marcus Brüggen; Prof. Dr. Peter Hauschildt; Prof. Dr. Jochen Liske
13 Mi, 19. Jan. 2022 14:00 15:30 AT 047 Prof. Dr. Stefan Robi Banerjee; Prof. Dr. Marcus Brüggen; Prof. Dr. Peter Hauschildt; Prof. Dr. Jochen Liske
14 Mi, 26. Jan. 2022 14:00 15:30 AT 047 Prof. Dr. Stefan Robi Banerjee; Prof. Dr. Marcus Brüggen; Prof. Dr. Peter Hauschildt; Prof. Dr. Jochen Liske
Prüfungen im Rahmen von Modulen
Modul (Startsemester)/ Kurs Prüfung Datum Lehrende Bestehens­pflicht
Übersicht der Kurstermine
  • 1
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Prof. Dr. Peter Hauschildt
Prof. Dr. Stefan Robi Banerjee
Prof. Dr. Marcus Brüggen
Prof. Dr. Jochen Liske