41-026 History and Theories of Education (Bildung): An Introduction to the Theory of Bildung as a Transformative Process and its Intercultural and International Reception/Discussion


Lehrende: Hamidou Hassana

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Anzeige im Stundenplan: 0a4a

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Credits: 3,0

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 30

Anmeldegruppe: Geschichte und Theorien

Kommentare/ Inhalte:
The debate on the concept of Bildung and the related Theory of Bildungsprozess has gained an international and intercultural frame in educational reflections. From its classical understanding according to Wilhelm von Humboldt, the concept of Bildung had internally interested German educational researchers and theorists in the early 1980s. They have intensively discussed issues related to Bildungsprozess based on Humboldt’s Philosophy of Languages and have endeavored a theoretical redefinition of the concept of Bildung, and researched its empirical pedagogical, biographical and institutional facets. Subsequently, Hans-Christoph Koller, in the lines of Rainer Kokemohr (1989) and Winfried Marotzki (1990) - just to name these two among others - has theorized Bildung as a transformative process in his masterpiece “Bildung anders denken. Einführung in die Theorie transformatorischer Bildungsprozesse” (2012/2018). Beside the German reading and critique of this work, a recent Band published by Laros et al. (2017) has brought the discussion of this concept to an international English audience through the thematical and theoretical comparative discussion of the concepts of Transformative Learning (according to Mezirow) and Bildung as a transformative process (according to Koller). At the empirical pedagogical level of discourse, Rainer Kokemohr engaged in intercultural pedagogical reform reflections in the African contexts of Cameroon (1986-2011) as well as the Asian contexts of Taiwan and China. The present seminar provides students with a room to reading, discussing and interpreting the intercultural/international reception and critique of works of Koller and Kokemohr respectively on the theory of Bildungsprozess and the concept of Bildung as a transformative process in English.

At the end of this seminar, students should be able to discuss the concept of Bildung and its related theory of Bildung as a transformative process considering their international and intercultural comparative discourse in German and English texts. They will develop an intercultural/international critical reading and interpretation competences of educational theories in both German and English.

The seminar is organized in three parts: (1) Introduction to the Bildungsprozesstheorie and the concept of Bildung as a transformative process: Humboldt – Kokemohr - Koller; (2) Intercultural and International Reception/Discussion of the German concept of Bildung and the related Koller’s theory of Bildung as a transformative process; and (3) Kokemohr’s Intercultural and International Pedagogical Reflections in Cameroonian and Taiwan’s contexts. It consists of weekly Zoom-Meetings each introduced with a short lecture or a presentation (10-15mn). The essential work entails reading German and English texts (individual work) and plenary discussions (Zoom-sessions in English). Individual students are also expected to take responsibility of reading and presenting texts in English and to engage in group works, portfolio production.
The language of the seminar is English. However, students should prove competences and readiness to reading, interpreting and discussing some German texts in English.

Hassana, H. (2021). Sociocultural Backgrounds and Quality Teacher Education in Africa: A Qualitative Case Study of Pedagogical Reform Projects of the Evangelical Church of Cameroon in Mbouo-Bandjoun, West-Cameroon. Chapters 2 and 4. Doctoral Thesis. pp.403.
Kokemohr, R. and Chan, J.C. (Eds) (2018). Intercultural Pedagogical Reflections on Taiwan‘s Education. Chengchi University Press. pp.320.
Koller, H-C. (2018). Bildung anders denken, eine Einführung in die Theorie transformatorischer Bildungsprozesse. 2., akt. Auflage. Kohlhammer. Kapitel 1. pp.192.
Koller, H-C. et al. (Eds) (2007). Bildungsprozesse und Fremdheitserfahrung. Beiträge zu einer Theorie transformatorischer Bildungsprozesse, pp. 13-68. Bielefeld: Transcript.
Laros, A., Fuhr, T., and Taylor, E.W. (Eds) (2017). Transformative Learning Meets Bildung. An International Exchange. Sense Publishers: Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei. pp.399.
Östling, J. (2018). Humboldt and the modern German university: an intellectual history. Chapter 2. pp. 23-49 (pp.312).
Yacek, D. (2017). Transformation and Education. Macmillan Reference USA, a part of Gale, a Cengage Company WCN 02-200-210
Further additional Literature
Hastedt, H. (2012) Was ist Bildung? Eine Textanthologie. Reclam: Stuttgart. pp.244
Benner, D. (2015). Allgemeine Pädagogik. Eine Systematisch-problemgeschichtliche Einführung in die Grundstruktur pädagogischen Denkens und Handelns. (9. Auflage). Beltz-Juventa: Weinheim und Basel. Kapitel 3. pp.61-130. (pp.338).
Tippelt, R. (Hrsg.) (2009). Kulturen der Bildung. Beiträge zum 21. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE). Verlag Barbara Budrich. Opladen & Farmington Hills. pp.17-24. (pp.385).
Marotzki, W. (1990): Entwurf einer strukturalen Bildungstheorie: Biographietheoretische
Auslegung von Bildungsprozessen in hochkomplexen Gesellschaften. Weinheim:
Deutscher Studien Verlag

Zusätzliche Hinweise zu Prüfungen:
The seminar is a 3-credits course. The credits can be acquired through effective and active Participation in the Zoom-sessions and Performance (Paper presentations, Group-works, Portfolio’s presentations). The final exam consists of an individual essay production (max. 10 pages) on a chosen topic related to the contents of the seminar.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Fr, 15. Okt. 2021 17:00 19:00 VMP 8 R 08 Hamidou Hassana
2 Fr, 22. Okt. 2021 17:00 19:00 VMP 8 R 08 Hamidou Hassana
3 Fr, 29. Okt. 2021 17:00 19:00 VMP 8 R 08 Hamidou Hassana
4 Fr, 5. Nov. 2021 17:00 19:00 VMP 8 R 08 Hamidou Hassana
5 Fr, 12. Nov. 2021 17:00 19:00 VMP 8 R 08 Hamidou Hassana
6 Fr, 19. Nov. 2021 17:00 19:00 VMP 8 R 08 Hamidou Hassana
7 Fr, 26. Nov. 2021 17:00 19:00 VMP 8 R 08 Hamidou Hassana
8 Fr, 3. Dez. 2021 17:00 19:00 Digital Hamidou Hassana
9 Fr, 10. Dez. 2021 17:00 19:00 Digital Hamidou Hassana
10 Fr, 17. Dez. 2021 17:00 19:00 Digital Hamidou Hassana
11 Fr, 7. Jan. 2022 17:00 19:00 Digital Hamidou Hassana
12 Fr, 14. Jan. 2022 17:00 19:00 Digital Hamidou Hassana
13 Fr, 21. Jan. 2022 17:00 19:00 Digital Hamidou Hassana
14 Fr, 28. Jan. 2022 17:00 19:00 Digital Hamidou Hassana
Prüfungen im Rahmen von Modulen
Modul (Startsemester)/ Kurs Leistungs­kombination Prüfung Datum Lehrende Bestehens­pflicht
0a4 Geschichte, Theorien und gesellschaftliche Bedingungen von Erziehung, Bildung und Sozialisation (WiSe 21/22) / 0a4a  History and Theories of Education (Bildung): An Introduction to the Theory of Bildung as a Transformative Process and its Intercultural and International Reception/Discussion * (Referat und) Hausarbeit/Mdl. Prüfung 1  (Referat und) Hausarbeit/Mdl. Prüfung k.Terminbuchung Hamidou Hassana Ja
0a4 Geschichte, Theorien und gesellschaftliche Bedingungen von Erziehung, Bildung und Sozialisation (WiSe 19/20) / 0a4a  History and Theories of Education (Bildung): An Introduction to the Theory of Bildung as a Transformative Process and its Intercultural and International Reception/Discussion * (Referat und) Hausarbeit/Mdl. Prüfung 4  (Referat und) Hausarbeit/Mdl. Prüfung k.Terminbuchung Hamidou Hassana Ja
0a4 Geschichte, Theorien und gesellschaftliche Bedingungen von Erziehung, Bildung und Sozialisation (WiSe 20/21) / 0a4a  History and Theories of Education (Bildung): An Introduction to the Theory of Bildung as a Transformative Process and its Intercultural and International Reception/Discussion * (Referat und) Hausarbeit/Mdl. Prüfung 3  (Referat und) Hausarbeit/Mdl. Prüfung k.Terminbuchung Hamidou Hassana Ja
0a4 Geschichte, Theorien und gesellschaftliche Bedingungen von Erziehung, Bildung und Sozialisation (WiSe 21/22) / 0a4a  History and Theories of Education (Bildung): An Introduction to the Theory of Bildung as a Transformative Process and its Intercultural and International Reception/Discussion * Klausur 1  Klausur k.Terminbuchung Hamidou Hassana Ja
0a4 Geschichte, Theorien und gesellschaftliche Bedingungen von Erziehung, Bildung und Sozialisation (WiSe 20/21) / 0a4a  History and Theories of Education (Bildung): An Introduction to the Theory of Bildung as a Transformative Process and its Intercultural and International Reception/Discussion * Klausur 3  Klausur k.Terminbuchung Hamidou Hassana Ja
0a4 Geschichte, Theorien und gesellschaftliche Bedingungen von Erziehung, Bildung und Sozialisation (WiSe 19/20) / 0a4a  History and Theories of Education (Bildung): An Introduction to the Theory of Bildung as a Transformative Process and its Intercultural and International Reception/Discussion * Klausur 4  Klausur k.Terminbuchung Hamidou Hassana Ja
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Hamidou Hassana