56-321 (7 LP) SE: Ephesus in Late Antiquity ONLINE


Lehrende: Nisan Lordoglu

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

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Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Credits: 7,0

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | -

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Kommentare/ Inhalte:
Ephesus had a great importance as the capital of Ionia since the Roman Imperial Period and this importance continued in the Late Antiquity. It maintained, in varying degrees, classical forms of urban life, government, traditions and culture. The aim of this lecture is to examine the historical and urban changes of Late Antique Ephesus considering archaeological finds; in particular statuary.

Basic knowledge on the Late Antique Asia Minor, urbanization and Late Antique sculpture.

Kontingent Studium Generale: 0

Teilnehmer­begrenzung: Nein

Block-LV: Nein

Uni-Live: Nein

Kontingent Kontaktstudierende: 3

Format: ONLINE Zoom (synchron)


The language of the seminar will be in English. Literature reading should be done in accordance with the week’s subject. Reading material might be either in English or German. Please note that presentations and seminar papers should also be in English.

4 LP: Presentation + Seminar Paper

5 LP: Presentation + Seminar Paper

6 LP: Presentation + Seminar Paper

7 LP: Presentation + Seminar Paper

C. Foss, Ephesus after Antiquity: A Late antique, Byzantine and Turkish City (Cambridge 1979)

F. A. Bauer, Stadt, Platz und Denkmal in der Spätantike: Untersuchungen zur Ausstattung des öffentlichen Raums in den spätantiken Städten Rom, Konstantinopel und Ephesos (Mainz 1996)

S. Ladstätter – A. Pülz, Ephesus in the Late Roman and Early Byzantine Period: Changes in its Urban Character from the Third to the Seventh Century AD, The Transition to Late Antiquity on the Danube and Beyond (New York 2007)

O. Dally – C. Ratté (eds.), Archaeology and the Cities of Asia Minor in Late Antiquity (Michigan 2011)

S. Ladstätter – P. Magdalino (eds.), Ephesos From Late Antiquity until the Late Middle Ages, ÖAI 58 (Wien 2019)

BA ab 16/17: EPS

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mo, 12. Apr. 2021 10:15 11:45 Digital Nisan Lordoglu
2 Mo, 19. Apr. 2021 10:15 11:45 Digital Nisan Lordoglu
3 Mo, 26. Apr. 2021 10:15 11:45 Digital Nisan Lordoglu
4 Mo, 3. Mai 2021 10:15 11:45 Digital Nisan Lordoglu
5 Mo, 10. Mai 2021 10:15 11:45 Digital Nisan Lordoglu
6 Mo, 17. Mai 2021 10:15 11:45 Digital Nisan Lordoglu
7 Mo, 31. Mai 2021 10:15 11:45 Digital Nisan Lordoglu
8 Mo, 7. Jun. 2021 10:15 11:45 Digital Nisan Lordoglu
9 Mo, 14. Jun. 2021 10:15 11:45 Digital Nisan Lordoglu
10 Mo, 21. Jun. 2021 10:15 11:45 Digital Nisan Lordoglu
11 Mo, 28. Jun. 2021 10:15 11:45 Digital Nisan Lordoglu
12 Mo, 5. Jul. 2021 10:15 11:45 Digital Nisan Lordoglu
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Modul (Startsemester)/ Kurs Prüfung Datum Lehrende Bestehens­pflicht
KLA-EPS Modul EPS Epoche: Seminare (WiSe 16/17) / KLA-13-S ep1-6+pr:  SE: Ephesus in Late Antiquity ONLINE 10  Hausarbeit (7LP) k.Terminbuchung N.N. Ja
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Nisan Lordoglu