23-37.41.202 Deviant Behavior and Corruption in the Public Sector


Lehrende: Dr. Kristina Sabrina Weißmüller

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Deviant Behavior

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Credits: 6,0

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 10 | 30

Kommentare/ Inhalte:
Public sector corruption is a critical yet severely understudied phenomenon in public administration and public management. Studies worldwide have shown that public sector corruption – e.g., in the form of bribery, rule-breaking, and deviant behavior – causes inequality in access to public services leading to discrimination and an inefficient allocation of resources. This lack of access equity seriously undermines the general public’s trust in government and public institutions.

The course “Deviant Behavior and Corruption in the Public Sector” aims to advance students’ practical and theoretical insights into a critical issue for public management worldwide. Focusing on the underlying mechanisms of individuals’ motivation this course shows how micro, meso, and macro factors interact in shaping people’s willingness to engage in bribery and their perception of rules and ethical behavior in bureaucracies.

This course comprises two topical focusses – deviant behavior and corruption – i.e. 8 classes in total. This course can be completed fully in a distance learning environment and it is mostly asynchronous as to be most inclusive for a broader audience of students by allowing for a self-controlled study experience that is flexible in time.

Each class comprises a short, recorded lecture as an introduction to the central issues and theoretical concepts. The online lecture is complemented by a set of instructions to direct self-study and further immersion though suggested scientific reading and written assignments.

All course materials will be available online and open access (prerecorded lectures, lecture slides, syllabus) for everybody interested.

By participating in this course, students …

 … will understand the origins and effects of different forms of deviant behavior and corruption in the public sector by identifying diverse current scientific positions on corruption, briber, discrimination, and (pro-social) rule-breaking.
  … can argue about institutional differences and their effects on the acceptability of deviant behavior and corruption on the individual and systematic level.
 … will improve their ability to critically evaluate how public institutions can be designed to prevent corruption by nudging behavior and by creating resilient institutions.
… derive meaningful practical advice for public sector managers on ways to prevent corruption based on scientific research outcomes.
 … will practice and improve their ability to write scientific essays.

Before listening to lectures: For each of the eight classes, students read the relevant core reading(s) and contemporary news article(s) provided in the course outline.

After listening to lectures: Students complete the post-lecture assignment (300-600 words) for each class individually. 

After completion of all classes: Students write a short essay (1.500 words + front and back matter) of their own choice on a topic related to the subjects studied.

Zusätzliche Hinweise zu Prüfungen:
Assignments and Grading:

The workload for this course amounts to 6 ECTS, i.e it is similar to a 2 SWS seminar course. In order to receive these ECTS credit points, students need to register through STiNE (please make sure to complete registration within the official registration phases.

Students are required to submit a short written assignment (300-600 words) for each of the 8 topics explored in this course as well as a final essay (1,500 words + front and back matter) of their own choice on a topic related to the subjects studied.

Please submit the final essays to the Academic Office (https://www.wiso.uni-hamburg.de/en/studienbuero-sozialoekonomie/service/service-studierende/abgabe-pruefungsunterlagen.html) as well as in .docx and .pdf-format to kristina.weissmueller@uni-hamburg.de. Please note that in accordance with WiSo examination regulations, plagiarism software may be used to evaluate the authenticity of the coursework submissions.

The Deadline for submitting the essay: 18th February 2021, 23:55h.

Check out recommendations on scientific essay writing by Leonhard Dobusch (University of Innsbruck). 2020: https://youtu.be/BpzShqbRkt8.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
Es liegen keine Termine vor.
Veranstaltungseigene Prüfungen
Beschreibung Datum Lehrende Pflicht
1. Hausarbeit Di, 20. Apr. 2021 00:00-24:00 Dr. Kristina Sabrina Weißmüller Ja
Übersicht der Kurstermine
Dr. Kristina Sabrina Weißmüller