22-10.254 Profilseminar: The Economics of Climate Change


Lehrende: Piero Basaglia; Prof. Dr. Moritz Alexander Drupp

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Anzeige im Stundenplan:

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Credits: 6,0

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 20

Anmeldegruppe: Profilbildungsseminar

Kommentare/ Inhalte:
The seminar deals with different facets of the economics of climate change, one of the key societal challenges for the years and decades to come. Key questions that will be addressed in the seminar include: 

• What are the impacts of climate change on humans and the environment?

• What are the economic costs of climate change?

• How can we adapt to climate change?

• How can climate change be mitigated, and at which cost?

• How much climate protection should we do from a societal perspective? Which economic analysis tools are there to answer this question, and how robust are their conclusions?

• Which policy instruments are suitable for implementing climate change mitigation?

• What are the chances of an effective international agreement on climate policy?

The literature is based on pertinent research articles. Accordingly, a good command of English as well as previous knowledge of microeconomics and econometrics are required. 

We present the seminar topic and the potential topics for seminar papers in the introductory session (13.11.2020). Distribution of topics will follow via e-mail. Students then study the relevant literature and develop an expose for the seminar paper on this basis. This will be discussed and refined in the second session (04.12.2020). On the basis of this feedback, the students complete the term paper. The deadline for the term paper is January 13, 2021. In addition, the students prepare a short co-presentation on another seminar paper. At the block meetings (22./23.01.2021), the students finally present their seminar papers and hold their co- presentations.

Due to the Corona-Virus related contact restrictions that we expect to be in place throughout the winter semester, our course will be held online via ZOOM. There is no recording of lectures, but we will make all slides available after the meeting in due timeon STINE. Online office hour meetings (also via ZOOM) can be booked via e-mail. You find more information on this in the course material that we will upload in due time. We would like to stress that these restrictions make it even more valuable for you to get together in smaller groups of two or more students (online or in-person) to help each other by giving feedback.

Students will receive a detailed literature list. 
For general preparation, the following references are suggested: 

- IPCC (2014). Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [core writing team, r.k. pachauri and l.a. meyer (eds.)]. IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland, 151 pp. http://ar5-syr.ipcc.ch/ipcc/ipcc/resources/pdf/IPCC_SynthesisReport.pdf

- Heal, G. (2017). The Economics of the Climate. Journal of Economic Literature, 55(3), 1046-63.

- Nordhaus, W. (2019). Climate change: The ultimate challenge for Economics. American Economic Review, 109(6), 1991-2014.

- Stern, N. (2008). The Economics of Climate Change. American Economic Review, 98(2), 1-37.

Zusätzliche Hinweise zu Prüfungen:
The relative grading share is as follows:  
Seminar paper (50%); presentations and discussions in the seminar (50%).
The deadline for submitting the term paper is January 13, 2021 (23:59).

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Fr, 13. Nov. 2020 10:00 14:00 Online via Zoom Piero Basaglia; Prof. Dr. Moritz Alexander Drupp
2 Fr, 4. Dez. 2020 10:00 13:00 Online via Zoom Piero Basaglia; Prof. Dr. Moritz Alexander Drupp
3 Fr, 22. Jan. 2021 10:00 18:30 Online via Zoom Piero Basaglia; Prof. Dr. Moritz Alexander Drupp
4 Sa, 23. Jan. 2021 10:00 18:30 Online via Zoom Piero Basaglia; Prof. Dr. Moritz Alexander Drupp
Prüfungen im Rahmen von Modulen
Modul (Startsemester)/ Kurs Leistungs­kombination Prüfung Datum Lehrende Bestehens­pflicht
22-1.ProfilSem1 Profilseminar I (WiSe 20/21) / 22-1.profilsem1  Profilseminar: The Economics of Climate Change Hausarbeit und Präsentation 1  Hausarbeit und Präsentation k.Terminbuchung Prof. Dr. Moritz Alexander Drupp; Piero Basaglia Ja
22-1.ProfilSem1 Profilseminar I (WiSe 16/17) / 22-1.profilsem1  Profilseminar: The Economics of Climate Change Hausarbeit und Präsentation 6  Hausarbeit und Präsentation k.Terminbuchung Prof. Dr. Moritz Alexander Drupp; Piero Basaglia Ja
22-1.ProfilSem1 Profilseminar I (WiSe 19/20) / 22-1.profilsem1  Profilseminar: The Economics of Climate Change Hausarbeit und Präsentation 2  Hausarbeit und Präsentation k.Terminbuchung Prof. Dr. Moritz Alexander Drupp; Piero Basaglia Ja
22-1.ProfilSem1 Profilseminar I (WiSe 18/19) / 22-1.profilsem1  Profilseminar: The Economics of Climate Change Hausarbeit und Präsentation 3  Hausarbeit und Präsentation k.Terminbuchung Prof. Dr. Moritz Alexander Drupp; Piero Basaglia Ja
22-1.ProfilSem1 Profilseminar I (WiSe 17/18) / 22-1.profilsem1  Profilseminar: The Economics of Climate Change Hausarbeit und Präsentation 4  Hausarbeit und Präsentation k.Terminbuchung Prof. Dr. Moritz Alexander Drupp; Piero Basaglia Ja
22-1.ProfilSem3 Profilseminar III (WiSe 20/21) / 22-1.profilsem3  Profilseminar: The Economics of Climate Change Hausarbeit und Präsentation 1  Hausarbeit und Präsentation k.Terminbuchung Prof. Dr. Moritz Alexander Drupp; Piero Basaglia Ja
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Prof. Dr. Moritz Alexander Drupp
Piero Basaglia