24-801.11 Media Systems in an International Comparative Perspective


Lehrende: Dr. Kathrin Voss

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Media Systems

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Credits: 5,0

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 5 | 20

Kommentare/ Inhalte:
This course aims at giving an overview of the media systems of the world, including the systems of Europe (public service type), America (commercial type) and other parts of the globe. The course will offer descriptions of a wide variety of systems as they are represented by participating students. The interests and choices of the participants will be respected. Non-German students may present their home system (or any other), Germans have to present a non-German system. Two leading questions will structure the oral presentations: (1) What is unique about the system I present? (2) Where can I locate my system in international classifications? The two short research papers required will also address these two questions. 

Furthermore, the growing relevance of comparisons inside communication research will be discussed, topics will focus on comparative methods, generalizations, the development of classifications and finally the generation of comparative theories (like that of "commercial convergence"). At the outset, we will have to clarify, what is presentable and comparable: namely media systems as a whole (including overall legal framework, specific media like the press, broadcasting, online, also economics, politics and culture), and how the different media systems relate to specific aspects (e.g. freedom of the press, media regulation, use of digital media). We will widely discuss the approaches, strategies and practices of comparative media research, its history, its present positions and its future chances. The comparative strategy within communication studies implies several aspects such as a transcultural approach, the logic of comparisons and methods of comparative research. In the end, students will have developed a new understanding of comparative research, based on the experience of at least one system (their own or another), they are able to emphasize its uniqueness and place it in comparative classifications as they have been presented in the course. Also a comparative cross-national study of several media systems is possible. 

- To gain an overview of the theories and methods of comparative research and a systematic knowledge of the discussed media systems; 
- To define and critically analyze different types of media systems; 
- To understand societal, cultural, political, and ethical aspects of global media environment in the age of convergence; 
- To give a description of a selected media system including aspects of uniqueness and comparative classification; 
- To understand the concept of media system transformation and apply it to different media systems in the world; 
- Skills in analyzing and describing these phenomena. 

The course is based on readings, group discussions, short lectures of the seminar leader and presentations of students; each student is required to give a short oral presentation of a selected media system. 
Due to the pandemic only the first session will be in-person, all following session will be held on the online conference software Zoom.  There might be changes to react on current developments.
- for reading materials and any further information: OpenOlat
- for synchronous sessions: Zoom

An initial schedule and links to OpenOlat and Zoom will provided in Stine.

Daniel C. Hallin/Paolo Mancini (2004): Comparing Media Systems. Cambridge.
Daniel C. Hallin/Paolo Mancini (eds.) (2012): Comparing Media Systems Beyond the Western World. Cambridge.
Frank Esser/Barbara Pfetsch (Eds.) (2004): Comparing Political Communication. Cambridge. 
Euromedia Research Group/Joseph Trappel et. al. (Eds.) (2011): Media in Europe Today. Bristol. 
Mary Kelly et. al. (Eds.) (2004): The Media in Europe. The Euromedia Research Group Handbook. London. 
Hans J. Kleinsteuber/Barbara Thomaß (2011): Comparing Media Systems: The European Dimension. In: Euromedia Research Group/Joseph Trappel et. al. (Eds.): Media in Europe Today. Bristol, pp. 23-42. 
Hans J. Kleinsteuber (2010): Comparing West and East - A Comparative Approach of Transformation. In: Boguslawa Dobek-Ostrowska et. al. (Eds.): Comparing Media Systems. European and Global Perspectives, pp. 23-40. 
Hans J. Kleinsteuber (2004): Comparing Mass Communication Systems: Media Formats, Media Contents and Media Processes. In: Barbara Pfetsch/Frank Esser (Eds.): Comparing Political Communication. Theories, Cases, Challenges. pp. 64-86. 
Andrew Chadwick (2013): The Hybrid Media System: Politics and Power. Oxford University Press: Oxford.

Necessary readings will be provided via OpenOlat. Additional literature research and reading needs to be done in order to fulfill the course requierements.

Zusätzliche Hinweise zu Prüfungen:
All students are required to attend the course session, to read all indicated texts for each session, to give a short oral report as well as write a handout for their own presentation. 
Information on the module exam will be given in class. 

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Di, 20. Okt. 2020 10:00 13:00 WiWi 2095/2197 Dr. Kathrin Voss
2 Di, 20. Okt. 2020 10:15 13:00 AP 1, 250 - bis auf weiteres gesperrt - nicht frei buchbar Dr. Kathrin Voss
3 Di, 3. Nov. 2020 10:15 13:45 Dr. Kathrin Voss
4 Di, 17. Nov. 2020 10:15 13:45 Dr. Kathrin Voss
5 Di, 1. Dez. 2020 10:15 13:45 Dr. Kathrin Voss
6 Di, 15. Dez. 2020 10:15 13:45 Dr. Kathrin Voss
7 Di, 12. Jan. 2021 10:15 13:45 Dr. Kathrin Voss
8 Di, 26. Jan. 2021 10:15 13:45 Dr. Kathrin Voss
Prüfungen im Rahmen von Modulen
Modul (Startsemester)/ Kurs Prüfung Datum Lehrende Bestehens­pflicht
24-907 Modul 7: Mediensysteme und Globalisierung (WiSe 15/16) / 24-907.11 [FSB 2014]  Media Systems in an International Comparative Perspective 6  Blockprüfung k.Terminbuchung Dr. Kathrin Voss Ja
Veranstaltungseigene Prüfungen
Beschreibung Datum Lehrende Pflicht
1. Blockprüfung k.Terminbuchung Ja
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Dr. Kathrin Voss