56-629 (10 LP) S Early Modern Concepts of Creativity and Creation


Lehrende: Marisa Mandabach

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

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Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Credits: 10,0

Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch

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Kommentare/ Inhalte:
This course will explore early modern concepts of creativity and creation in relation to art-theoretical, natural-philosophical, and religious models. It will ask such questions as: how were early modern ideas about image-making connected to ones about the formative, enlivening, and petrifying processes of nature? How were such ideas informed by the natural-philosophical understanding of matter and its transformations, for example in early modern embryology or the theory of spontaneous generation? How did artists represent or draw inspiration from creation myths and etiologies from classical literature, or the biblical Creation narratives? What kinds of people were considered artistically creative in early modern Europe and why? How did ideas about creativity develop around specific genres, techniques, or media (painting, sculpture, printmaking)? How did artistic creativity function inter-subjectively or collectively, through collaboration or artistic communities? How did artists, art theorists, and viewers conceive of the relationship between the artist’s body and the work?
From Cellini’s quasi-alchemical account of his creation of the bronze Perseus and Medusa, to Vasari’s creation myth of Leonardo’s monstrous animalaccio, to Karel Van Mander’s humorous description of Bruegel swallowing and spitting out the Alps, concepts of creativity and creation were richly codified in artist biographies and other art literature. Since artists themselves actively shaped ideas about making through their works, such questions can also be approached not just through texts but also through analysis of images and artifacts that functioned as “visual art theory.”

Martin Kemp, “From ‘Mimesis’ to ‘Fantasia’: the Quattrocento Vocabulary of Creation, Inspiration
And Genius in the Visual Arts,” in Viator 8 (1997), 347-398.
Michael Cole, “Cellini’s Blood,” The Art Bulletin 81 (1999): 215-235.
Tine Meganck, “The ‘Reddener’: Peter Paul Rubens and Alchemy,” in Art and Alchemy: the Mystery of Transformation, ed. Sven Dupré and Dedo von Kerssenbrock-Krosigk, 146-155.
Karin Leonhard, Bildfelder: Stilleben und Naturstücke des 17. Jahrhunderts (Berlin: Akademie, 2013). Thomas Leinkauf, “Implikationen des Begriffs natura naturans in der frühen Neuzeit,” in Ludi Naturae: Spiele der Natur in Kunst und Wissenschaft, ed. Natascha Adamowsky, Hartmut Böhme, and Robert Felfe (Munich, 2011), 103-118.
H.W. Janson, “The ‘Image Made by Chance’ in Renaissance Thought,” in De artibus opuscula XL: Essays in Honor of Erwin Panofsky, ed. Millard Meiss (New York, 1961), 54-66.
Frederika H. Jacobs, “Women’s Capacity to Create: The Unusual Case of Sofonisba Anguissola,” Renaissance Quarterly 47/1 (Spring, 1994), 74-101.
Nadia Baadj „Collaborative Craftsmanship and Chimeric Creation in Seventeenth-Century Antwerp Art Cabinets,“ in Sites of Mediation: Connected Histories of Places, Processes and Objects in Euroae and Beyond, 1450-1650 (Brill), Sept 2016.
Ulrich Pfisterer, Kunst-Geburten: Kreativität, Erotik, Körper (Wagenbach, 2014) [selected pages].
“Haut und Knochen – Fleisch und Blut. Rubens’ Affektmalerei,” in Rubens passioni: Kultur der Leidenschaften im Barock (Göttingen, 2001), 70-109.
Nicola Suthor, Bravura: Virtuosität und Mutwilligkeit in der Malerei der Frühen Neuzeit (Munich, 2010).
Ernst Kris and Otto Kurz, Die Legende vom Künstler: ein geschichtlicher Versuch (Frankfurt am Main, 1995).
Una Roman d’Elia, “Tintoretto, Aretino, and the Speed of Creation,” Word & Image 20.2004: 206-218.
Miriam Volmert, “Vom ‘Chaos der Farben’ zum blot. Konzepte von Bilderfindung und Gedächtnis bei Alexander Cozens und Samuel van Hoogstraten,” Flusser Studies 14.
Frank Zollner, “Ogni Pittore Dipinge Sé,” in Der Künstler über sich in seinem Werk, ed. Matthias Winner (Weinheim: VCH, 1992), 137-60.
Philip Sohm, “Caravaggio’s Deaths,” The Art Bulletin 84/3 (Sept., 2002): 449-468.
Evelyn Welch, “Painting as Performance in the Italian Renaissance Court,” Fenway Court 31 (2004), 19-32, 202-203.
Joris van Gastel, “Michaelangelo’s Lesson: the Baroque Bozzetto Between Creation and Destruction,” in Das haptische Bild: Körperhafte Bilderfahrung in der Neuzeit, ed. Markus Rath, Jörg Tremper, and Iris Wenderholm (Berlin, 2013), 209-225.
Marisa Mandabach, “Matter as an Artist: Rubens’s Mythological Images of Spontaneous Generation,” Shaped by Nature, Forged by Art, edited by Claudia Swan, forthcoming from Brepols in 2020.

56-629 (2 LP)
BA ab WiSe 12/13 (HF/NF): EM2, VM1, FWB-Intern/BA-WB-Kultur, FWB-uniweit
BA ab WiSe 16/17 (HF/NF): EM2, VM1, WB1-FV, BA-WB-Kultur, SG
56-629 (4 LP)
BA ab WiSe 12/13 (HF/NF): AM2, FWB-Intern/BA-WB-Kultur
BA ab WiSe 16/17 (HF/NF): AM2, WB1-FV, BA-WB-KULTUR
56-629 (6 LP)
BA ab WiSe 12/13 (HF/NF): AM2,FWB-Intern/BA-WB-Kultur
BA ab WiSe 16/17 (HF/NF): AM2, WB1-FV, BA-WB-Kultur
56-629 (2 LP) MA: WM (MA-WB- KULTUR), WM (SG)
56-629 (5 LP) MA: PM1, PM3, PM4, WM (fachliche Vertiefung)
56-629 (10 LP) MA: PM1, PM3, PM4, WM (fachliche Vertiefung)

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Do, 23. Apr. 2020 10:00 12:00 ESA W, 109 Marisa Mandabach
2 Do, 30. Apr. 2020 10:00 12:00 ESA W, 109 Marisa Mandabach
3 Do, 7. Mai 2020 10:00 12:00 ESA W, 109 Marisa Mandabach
4 Do, 14. Mai 2020 10:00 12:00 ESA W, 109 Marisa Mandabach
5 Do, 28. Mai 2020 10:00 12:00 ESA W, 109 Marisa Mandabach
6 Do, 11. Jun. 2020 10:00 12:00 ESA W, 109 Marisa Mandabach
7 Do, 18. Jun. 2020 10:00 12:00 ESA W, 109 Marisa Mandabach
8 Do, 25. Jun. 2020 10:00 12:00 ESA W, 109 Marisa Mandabach
9 Do, 2. Jul. 2020 10:00 12:00 ESA W, 109 Marisa Mandabach
10 Do, 9. Jul. 2020 10:00 12:00 ESA W, 109 Marisa Mandabach
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1. Studienleistung (10LP) k.Terminbuchung Ja
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Marisa Mandabach