56-014 (6 LP) MA Extractive Industries in Southeast Europe: Labour, Resources, Life Projects and Prospects


Lehrende: Prof. Dr. Joachim Otto Habeck

Veranstaltungsart: Vertiefungsseminar

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Extractive Industrie

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Credits: 6,0

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | -

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Kommentare/ Inhalte:
In socialist economies more than elsewhere in the world, extractive industries (along with metallurgy and other heavy industries) had a supreme ideological importance; they came with a particular prestige and a specific work ethos of these branches' employees. While many of the former workers and entire communities still fondly remember those times, the economic and social dynamics of the so-called transitional period left many households uprooted and led to growing uncertainty about how to make ends meet. Consequently, the younger generations had to face profound shifts in the ways in which labour is organised, requiring them to seek for alternative income opportunities and formulate their life plans. Out-migration is a widespread phenomenon and provides one among several strategies for generating household income. However, the end of socialism has not meant the end of mineral resource extraction, which now occurs under new conditions, contributes to growing social inequality, and provides new challenges for community development as much as for health and life conditions in the affected regions.
This seminar will examine individual, household and community responses to the ups and downs (the growth and decline) of resource extraction and heavy industries, in particular in southeast Europe. In the first sessions of the seminar, we will trace the history of labour and everyday life under socialist conditions. The second part will provide key insights into the Anthropology of Labour and the Anthropology of Extraction. Subsequently, we will turn to current life conditions and life prospects in post-industrial towns and also assess the scope for civic engagement and participatory planning in view of future large-scale industrial projects. The final part of the course will comprise case studies and return to the general topic of how social and economic change is experienced, and grappled with, by individuals and households in (post-)industrial communities.

The seminar provides the theoretical groundwork and regional overview for an excursion to Romania in late August/early September 2019 (see below, 56-015); participants of the excursion are therefore advised to attend this seminar. Notwithstanding, additional students of Social Anthropology and Osteuropastudien can participate even if they do not plan to join the excursion. While the main focus will be on Romania, contributions and case studies regarding Moldova, Bulgaria and possibly other southeast or east European countries may also be considered.
Requirements: regular and active attendance, individual or group presentation of c. 20 minutes per student (3 LP); additionally, a written paper (in English or German language) of approx. 15 pages length (5 LP) or 20 pages length (OESt MA, M2: 6 LP) on a topic pertinent to the seminar, to be submitted by mid-August.

Durchführung der Lehrveranstaltung:
Diese Lehrveranstaltung wird als E-Learning Seminar durchgeführt, weitere Details werden über Agora bekannt gegeben. Wenn Sie teilnehmen möchten, loggen Sie sich bitte in den Agora-Raum SoSe2020 Extractive Industries in Southeast Europe ein, um zu erfahren, wie das Seminar aufgebaut sein wird und welche Programme eingesetzt werden.
Wichtiger Hinweis:
Mit Agora als Kommunikationsmedium ist es sehr wichtig, dass Sie Ihre UHH-Emailadresse (vorname.nachname@studium.uni-hamburg.de) regelmäßig prüfen oder gegebenenfalls eine Weiterleitung an Ihre private Emailadresse einrichten. Studierende sind für den rechtzeitigen Erhalt der Durchführungsinformationen selbst verantwortlich.

Kideckel, David 2018. "Coal power: class, fetishism, memory, and disjuncture in Romania’s Jiu Valley and Appalachian West Virginia". Anuac, 7 (1): 67-88.

FSB 12/13 HF: ETH (FSB 12-13)-V1, ETH-NF-V, FWB ETH-intern
FSB HF 12/13: ETH (FSB 12-13)-V1, ETH-NF-V, FWB ETH-intern

FSB 16/17: ETH-V1, ETH-WB-FV (Fachliche Vertiefung), ETH-NF-V
FSB 16/17: ETH-V1, ETH-WB-FV (Fachliche Vertiefung), ETH-NF-V

ETH-MA-Theorie (Aktuelle ethnologische Theorien + Modulprüfung), ETH-MA-FWB

OESt-Studierende: bitte das Lehrprogramm für OESt beachten!
OESt (BA-NF): OESt.-2
OESt (BA-NF): OESt.-3
OESt (MA): Modul M2

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Do, 23. Apr. 2020 16:00 18:00 ESA W, 222 Prof. Dr. Joachim Otto Habeck
2 Do, 30. Apr. 2020 16:00 18:00 ESA W, 222 Prof. Dr. Joachim Otto Habeck
3 Do, 7. Mai 2020 16:00 18:00 ESA W, 222 Prof. Dr. Joachim Otto Habeck
4 Do, 14. Mai 2020 16:00 18:00 ESA W, 222 Prof. Dr. Joachim Otto Habeck
5 Do, 28. Mai 2020 16:00 18:00 ESA W, 222 Prof. Dr. Joachim Otto Habeck
6 Do, 11. Jun. 2020 16:00 18:00 ESA W, 222 Prof. Dr. Joachim Otto Habeck
7 Do, 18. Jun. 2020 16:00 18:00 ESA W, 222 Prof. Dr. Joachim Otto Habeck
8 Do, 25. Jun. 2020 16:00 18:00 ESA W, 222 Prof. Dr. Joachim Otto Habeck
9 Do, 2. Jul. 2020 16:00 18:00 ESA W, 222 Prof. Dr. Joachim Otto Habeck
10 Do, 9. Jul. 2020 16:00 18:00 ESA W, 222 Prof. Dr. Joachim Otto Habeck
Veranstaltungseigene Prüfungen
Beschreibung Datum Lehrende Pflicht
1. Studienleistung (6LP) k.Terminbuchung Ja
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Prof. Dr. Joachim Otto Habeck