55-01.192.412 The Ego and the Skin: Philosophies of Self and Touch (P)


Lehrende: Dr. Rachel Anna Aumiller

Veranstaltungsart: Hauptseminar

Anzeige im Stundenplan:

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Credits: 4,0

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 1 | 25

Kontingentschema: Phil_Standard_WS1415

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Für den erfolgreichen Besuch dieser Veranstaltung im Rahmen des Fachspezifischen Wahlbereichs werden 4 LP angerechnet.

Kommentare/ Inhalte:
This course on the philosophy of touch draws on perspectives in psychoanalysis, feminist philosophy, critical race theory, and queer theory. We will explore the dual character of skin: the organ that allows two bodies to join together in touch and the organ that serves as a barrier between myself and the other. We first experience pleasure through the caress of a caregiver across our skin. However, our skin is also the site of our first sensations of discomfort or pain. In these first experiences of touch, the infant cannot initially distinguish where her skin ends and her caretaker’s begins. Our readings and course discussions will probe the following questions: How do we first come to understand our skin as our own? How does our first relationship to our own skin shape our sense of self? What kinds of experiences take away our sense of our skin as our own? How can we reclaim our skin from the grasp of the other?

Unit 1: First Experiences of Touch
Freud, S. (2001a), “Note upon the ‘mystic writing pad,’” S.E., 19, 1923–1925, New York: Vintage, 225–32.
Freud, S. (2001b), “Findings, ideas, problems,” S.E., 23, 1937–1939. NY: Vintage, 299–300.
Klein, M. (1975), “The Importance of Symbol-Formation in the Development of the Ego,” Love Guilt, and Reparation: And Other Works 1921-1945. New York: The Free Press. 219-232.
Anzieu, D. (1989), “Notions of a Skin Ego,” The Skin Ego: A Psychoanalytic Approach to the Self, Naomi Segal (trans), New Haven: Yale University Press. 39-48

Unit 2: Divisions Drawn on the Skin
Fanon, F. (1975), “The Black Man and Psychopathology,” Black Skin, White Masks, London: Paladin. 120-184
Butler, Judith (1990), “Prohibition, Psychoanalysis, and the Production of the Heterosexual Matrix,” Gender Trouble, New York and London: Routledge. 47-51.
Bordo, Susan. (2003). Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture, and the Body. University of California Press.

Unit 3: Reclaiming One’s Skin
Prosser, Jay (1998). “A Skin of One’s Own: Toward a Theory of Transsexual Embodiment,” Second Skins: The Body Narrative of Transexuality, New York: Columbia University Press. 61-98.
Grosz, Elizabeth (1994), “Phenomenology and the Flesh,” Volatile Bodies. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.?86-114
Segal, Naomi. (2009). Consensuality: Didier Anzieu, Gender and the Sense of Touch. New York: Rodopi.

Other Readings For Consideration
Ahmed, Sara & Jackie Stacey (eds) (2001). Thinking Through the Skin. London and New York: Routledge.
Benthien, Claudia. (2002 [1999]). Skin, tr. by Thomas Dunlap. New York and Chichester: Columbia UP.?
Diamond, Nicola (2013). Between Skins: The Body in Psychoanalysis-Contemporary Developments. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mi, 3. Apr. 2019 12:15 13:45 Ü35 - 03080 Dr. Rachel Anna Aumiller
2 Mi, 10. Apr. 2019 12:15 13:45 Ü35 - 03080 Dr. Rachel Anna Aumiller
3 Mi, 17. Apr. 2019 12:15 13:45 Ü35 - 03080 Dr. Rachel Anna Aumiller
4 Mi, 24. Apr. 2019 12:15 13:45 Ü35 - 03080 Dr. Rachel Anna Aumiller
5 Mi, 8. Mai 2019 12:15 13:45 Ü35 - 03080 Dr. Rachel Anna Aumiller
6 Mi, 15. Mai 2019 12:15 13:45 Ü35 - 03080 Dr. Rachel Anna Aumiller
7 Mi, 22. Mai 2019 12:15 13:45 Ü35 - 03080 Dr. Rachel Anna Aumiller
8 Mi, 29. Mai 2019 12:15 13:45 Ü35 - 03080 Dr. Rachel Anna Aumiller
9 Mi, 5. Jun. 2019 12:15 13:45 Ü35 - 03080 Dr. Rachel Anna Aumiller
10 Mi, 19. Jun. 2019 12:15 13:45 Ü35 - 03080 Dr. Rachel Anna Aumiller
11 Mi, 26. Jun. 2019 12:15 13:45 Ü35 - 03080 Dr. Rachel Anna Aumiller
12 Mi, 3. Jul. 2019 12:15 13:45 Ü35 - 03080 Dr. Rachel Anna Aumiller
13 Mi, 10. Jul. 2019 12:15 13:45 Ü35 - 03080 Dr. Rachel Anna Aumiller
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Phil MEd1 Praktische Philosophie 1 (WiSe 16/17) / PhilK_HS-MEd1  The Ego and the Skin: Philosophies of Self and Touch (P) Hausarbeit 7  Einzelprüfung ohne Termin Dr. Rachel Anna Aumiller Ja
Phil MEd2 Profilmodul Lehramt an Gymnasien (WiSe 16/17) / PhilK_HS-MEd2  The Ego and the Skin: Philosophies of Self and Touch (P) Hausarbeit 7  Einzelprüfung ohne Termin Dr. Rachel Anna Aumiller Ja
Phil MEd4 Praktische Philosophie 2 (WiSe 16/17) / PhilK_HS-MEd4  The Ego and the Skin: Philosophies of Self and Touch (P) Hausarbeit 7  Einzelprüfung ohne Termin Dr. Rachel Anna Aumiller Ja
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Dr. Rachel Anna Aumiller