56-018 (6 LP)* Tides, Turns, and Utopias in Anthropology: rising out of scandals? (V2) AUSGLEBENDed - alteKH vor WiSe 12/13


Lehrende: Christian Emanuel Buchner

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Utopia

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Credits: 6,0

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | -

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Kommentare/ Inhalte:
Since the first days of our discipline, anthropologists have been involved in a number of scandals or have in retrospect been severely criticized: collaboration with colonial institutes, fascist or socialist totalitarian regimes; prepossessed and financed by secret services, military intelligence and multinational neoliberal enterprises; serving as gateways to medical experiments, racism and pedophilia, shrouded in the veil of quasi objective hegemony of knowledge. That some of those scandals came to light, has happened not only due to critical scientists, but also due to recently emancipating local research partners who start to oppose and counter the shell of objectivity e.g. through local NGOs, Twitter accounts and Facebook hashtags.
Nonetheless, triggered discussions led to some of the most exciting turns in humanitarian science and fundamentally changed the focus and direction of anthropological research in the second half of the 20th century. Committees of ethics came into being. Feminist perspectives and subalterns voices gained greater attention and a more humble subjective and self-reflexive anthropology paved its way into the 21st century. But behold: scandals and changes do never stop!

In this seminar, we will not only learn about scandals, discussions and changes to the discipline, but also want to explore topoi, potentials and visions for a current and future anthropology.

This block seminar works best with 15-25 people. In case of being more, we will have to reduce by means of experience, semester and fields of interest.


Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Fr, 5. Apr. 2019 11:00 13:00 ESA W, 222 Christian Emanuel Buchner
2 Fr, 26. Apr. 2019 11:00 16:30 ESA W, 222 Christian Emanuel Buchner
3 Sa, 27. Apr. 2019 11:00 16:30 ESA W, 222 Christian Emanuel Buchner
4 Fr, 10. Mai 2019 11:00 16:30 ESA W, 222 Christian Emanuel Buchner
5 Sa, 11. Mai 2019 11:00 16:30 ESA W, 222 Christian Emanuel Buchner
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Christian Emanuel Buchner