56-119 (2 LP) Institutskolloquium „Open Knowledge in the heritage sector: Reflecting dissemination, interpretation & accessibility of knowledge“


Lehrende: Angeliki Tzouganatou

Veranstaltungsart: Kolloquium

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Institutskolloquium

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Credits: 2,0

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | -

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Kommentare/ Inhalte:
Open data, open knowledge and the internet enable more people to become better acquainted with issues related to culture, society, technology etc. and thus, people have the opportunity to create and share knowledge. Digital technologies are increasingly influencing and transforming the way cultural heritage is perceived providing solutions to crucial issues for the sector, including its sustainability, its openness and its public engagement.

Open knowledge offers the opportunity and capability to people to enrich their knowledge with regards to the value of culture and cultural heritage and to bring nations closer, while fostering mutual appreciation and respect for each other’s culture.

During the last decade, open knowledge has been gaining more and more ground and shapes a crucial role in heritage work. Memory Institutions´ vision to digitize and open up their collections to the public has been at the core of their digital communications plan. The past decade, there have been initiatives by private (e.g. Google Arts & Culture and Wikimedia), public aggregators (e.g. Europeana and Digital Repository of Ireland) and social media (e.g. Facebook and Instagram) that aided Memory Institutions in opening up its collections to the wider public. However, what are open knowledge´s pitfalls? How can the current digital infrastructures improve? To what extend is the data that provided FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable) and how can we also make FAIR platforms too? How can open knowledge facilitate meaningful engagement, interaction and participation of the public to the heritage process?

Koch, G. (2016). Open cultural data - observations from the perspective of digital anthropology. Sharing is caring – Hamburg extension, Presentation at the Opening Event. [online]. Available at: https://www.fbkultur.uni-hamburg.de/vk/ueber-das-institut/aktuelles/open-cultural-data-prof-dr-gertraud-koch.pdf

Pollock, R. (2018) The Open Revolution. Rewriting the rules of the information age. [online]. Available at: https://openrevolution.net/

Wilkinson, M. D. et al. (2016). The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship. Scientific data, 3. [online]. Available at https://www.nature.com/articles/sdata201618

56-119 (2 LP)

BA HF/NF: VKKA (fsb13-14) –HF-M5, WB-Kultur, SG

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mi, 3. Apr. 2019 18:00 20:00 ESA W, 220 Angeliki Tzouganatou
2 Mi, 10. Apr. 2019 18:00 20:00 ESA W, 220 Angeliki Tzouganatou
3 Mi, 17. Apr. 2019 18:00 20:00 ESA W, 220 Angeliki Tzouganatou
4 Mi, 24. Apr. 2019 18:00 20:00 ESA W, 220 Angeliki Tzouganatou
5 Mi, 8. Mai 2019 18:00 20:00 ESA W, 220 Angeliki Tzouganatou
6 Mi, 15. Mai 2019 18:00 20:00 ESA W, 220 Angeliki Tzouganatou
7 Mi, 22. Mai 2019 18:00 20:00 ESA W, 220 Angeliki Tzouganatou
8 Mi, 29. Mai 2019 18:00 20:00 VMP 8, R. 207 Angeliki Tzouganatou
9 Mi, 5. Jun. 2019 18:00 20:00 ESA W, 220 Angeliki Tzouganatou
10 Mi, 19. Jun. 2019 18:00 20:00 ESA W, 220 Angeliki Tzouganatou
11 Mi, 26. Jun. 2019 18:00 20:00 ESA W, 220 Angeliki Tzouganatou
12 Mi, 3. Jul. 2019 18:00 20:00 ESA W, 220 Angeliki Tzouganatou
13 Mi, 10. Jul. 2019 18:00 20:00 ESA W, 220 Angeliki Tzouganatou
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VK-KA (FSB13-14)-M5 Aktuelle Fragestellungen und Themenfelder (WiSe 15/16) / VK-KA (FSB13-14)-13  Institutskolloquium „Open Knowledge in the heritage sector: Reflecting dissemination, interpretation & accessibility of knowledge“ 8  Studienleistung k.Terminbuchung Angeliki Tzouganatou Ja
Veranstaltungseigene Prüfungen
Beschreibung Datum Lehrende Pflicht
1. Studienleistung (2 LP) k.Terminbuchung Ja
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Angeliki Tzouganatou