24-105.13 Globalisierung und Innenpolitik im Vergleich


Lehrende: Prof. Dr. Vera Eva Tröger

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Anzeige im Stundenplan: AM1: Globalisierung

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Credits: 4,0

Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 10 | 24

Anmeldegruppe: AG AM1 (HF, ab WiSe 14/15)

Weitere Informationen:
Verwendbar in folgenden Studiengängen bzw. Modulen:
- B.A.-Hauptfach Politikwissenschaft: AM 1 - Regieren in politischen Mehrebenensystemen oder Wahlbereich
- B.Sc. Volkswirtschaftslehre (FSB ab WiSe 2016/17), Ergänzungsfach Regieren in politischen Mehrebenensystemen: AM 1 - Regieren in politischen Mehrebenensystemen
- B.A.-Nebenfach Politikwissenschaft: Fachbezogener Wahlbereich

englischsprachige Übersetzung des Lehrveranstaltungstitels: Globalisation and Domestic Policymaking

Kommentare/ Inhalte:
Many observers contend that the globalization of markets leads to downward pressures on regulatory standards. In particular, governments are expected to reduce social and environmental standards in order to attract an inflow of capital and to improve the competitiveness of domestic corporations on global markets. More generally, the policy autonomy of governments declines.

In order to understand how global market integration affects policy-makers around the world, we have to understand a) how the international economy works, b) what governments try to achieve, c) how governments respond to domestic constraints, and d) how international and domestic influences jointly determine policy choices. 

The seminar approaches this and related arguments from three angles: First, it takes a closer at the political, technological and economic processes that are commonly summarized under the term globalization. The second angle of this seminar is to review the literature dealing with the political, economic, and social consequences of globalization and to more precisely distinguish between global and domestic sources of current socio-economic problems. Finally, in the module of this seminar it is aimed at discussing how governments use international organizations and international policy coordination to respond to the challenges of tax and regulatory competition, trade conflicts, and global financial crises.

This course aims to:
1.   provide a rich understanding of the origins, processes, and consequences of global economic integration,
2.   increase student’s interest in rigorous political economic analysis,
3.   discuss how global economic integration affects decision-making on the level of the nation-state and vice versa,
4.   provide students with a firm knowledge of major applications at the intersection of international economics and international politics,
5.   develop students abilities to conduct rigorous analyses in international and comparative political economy,
6.   enable students to organize their written texts in way that mirrors scholarly work.

By the end of the course, students will be able:
1.   to understand the basic logic of international and comparative political economy, that is: learn how global economic integration affects politics and vice versa,
2.   to use the fundamental concepts and tools of comparative political economy appropriately,
3.   to understand the general logic of open economy macroeconomics,
4.   to summarize the various themes and problems analyzed in the current comparative and international political economy,
5.   to understand how political decision-making on different levels is related,
6.   to gather and analyze qualitative and quantitative empirical information on comparative and international political economy.

The course also enables students to acquire the following generic and transferable skills:
1.      Library and Internet research
2.      Data collection, presentation, and analysis
3.      Exposition and argumentation in a structured fashion
4.      Working independently and as part of a group
5.      Presenting verbal argument to classroom peers
6.      Production of short well-researched essays and reports
7.      Structuring and organizing ‚scientific’ texts.
8.      Working to deadlines
9.      Conducting oneself in a scholarly and professional manner
On this course students will need, use and improve the following key skills:
- systematic thinking: All theories and explanations in comparative and international political economy make assumptions about important actors, their utility function, and the structure in which social interaction takes place, especially a globalizing economy. The course will improve the student’s ability to identify crucial assumptions and discuss how arguments are related to assumptions. 
- transfer of ideas and arguments: Students will apply theoretical arguments to issue-areas, in which these theories have not been developed.
- improving own learning and performance: Students will learn how to simplify complicated arguments to the core of the underlying logic.
- communication: Students will use and exercise open-mindedness in oral presentation and discussion.
- writing: Students will write discuss and learn how to organize research, develop arguments, test theories and write scientific texts. 
- interacting with others: Students will discuss controversial themes in political economy. This requires to respect others, listen carefully, argue calmly but self-confident.

Course format: teaching and learning methods

The course runs for one semester.

There will be a 60 minutes provision of background information by the lecturer, presented in the way of a discussion between the lecturer and the students. This is followed by 30 minutes open (but structured) discussion of the issues discussed in the lecture and/or in the texts. Regular attendance at the class is essential for satisfactory attainment on the module.

Please see detailed syllabus.

Zusätzliche Hinweise zu Prüfungen:
- B.A.-Hauptfach Politikwissenschaft, AM 1 - Regieren in politischen Mehrebenensystemen: Studienleistungen (siehe A); zusätzlich kann in dem Seminar eine Hausarbeit als Modulabschlussprüfung des AM 1 absolviert werden (siehe B).
- B.A.-Hauptfach Politikwissenschaft, Wahlbereich: Studienleistungen (siehe A); Hausarbeit nicht möglich.
- B.Sc. Volkswirtschaftslehre: Studienleistungen (siehe A) und Hausarbeit (siehe B).
- B.A.-Nebenfach Politikwissenschaft, Fachbezogener Wahlbereich: Studienleistungen (siehe A); Hausarbeit nicht möglich.

A) Studienleistungen (unbenotet):
8-10 Seiten research design

B) Modulprüfung:
Prüfungsart: Hausarbeit
Bewertungsschema: benotet (RPO)
Umfang: 15 Seiten
Abgabetermin: wird noch bekannt gegeben
Abgabeort: Studienbüro Sozialwissenschaften

Ausgabeort der bewerteten Prüfungsleistung (gegen Empfangsbestätigung nach Eingabe der Noten in STiNE): wird noch bekannt gegeben

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mo, 14. Okt. 2019 14:15 15:45 WiWi 0079 Prof. Dr. Vera Eva Tröger
2 Mo, 21. Okt. 2019 14:15 15:45 WiWi 0079 Prof. Dr. Vera Eva Tröger
3 Mo, 28. Okt. 2019 14:15 15:45 WiWi 0079 Prof. Dr. Vera Eva Tröger
4 Mo, 4. Nov. 2019 14:15 15:45 WiWi 0079 Prof. Dr. Vera Eva Tröger
5 Mo, 11. Nov. 2019 14:15 15:45 WiWi 0079 Prof. Dr. Vera Eva Tröger
6 Mo, 18. Nov. 2019 14:15 15:45 WiWi 0079 Prof. Dr. Vera Eva Tröger
7 Mo, 25. Nov. 2019 14:15 15:45 WiWi 0079 Prof. Dr. Vera Eva Tröger
8 Mo, 2. Dez. 2019 14:15 15:45 WiWi 0079 Prof. Dr. Vera Eva Tröger
9 Mo, 9. Dez. 2019 14:15 15:45 WiWi 0079 Prof. Dr. Vera Eva Tröger
10 Mo, 16. Dez. 2019 14:15 15:45 WiWi 0079 Prof. Dr. Vera Eva Tröger
11 Mo, 6. Jan. 2020 14:15 15:45 WiWi 0079 Prof. Dr. Vera Eva Tröger
12 Mo, 13. Jan. 2020 14:15 15:45 WiWi 0079 Prof. Dr. Vera Eva Tröger
13 Mo, 20. Jan. 2020 14:15 15:45 WiWi 0079 Prof. Dr. Vera Eva Tröger
14 Mo, 27. Jan. 2020 14:15 15:45 WiWi 0079 Prof. Dr. Vera Eva Tröger
Prüfungen im Rahmen von Modulen
Modul (Startsemester)/ Kurs Prüfung Datum Lehrende Bestehens­pflicht
24-105VWL Aufbaumodul 1: Regieren in politischen Mehrebenensystemen (für Volkswirtschaftslehre) (WiSe 17/18) / 24-105.11  Globalisierung und Innenpolitik im Vergleich 5  Hausarbeit k.Terminbuchung Prof. Dr. Vera Eva Tröger Ja
Veranstaltungseigene Prüfungen
Beschreibung Datum Lehrende Pflicht
1. Studienleistung k.Terminbuchung Ja
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Prof. Dr. Vera Eva Tröger