57-350 Media Development in Southeast Asia - Case Studies from Laos and Indonesia [W] [SG]


Lehrende: Manfred Oepen

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Media Development

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Credits: 4,0

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 50

Kommentare/ Inhalte:
The lecturer has recently done media sector studies in Indonesia and Laos and will offer case studies which could be supplemented by student papers and/or presentations on media-related topics of their interest, including other SE Asian countries as well.

All presentations and case studies, supported by PowerPoints and films, will be introduced by moderated exercises and discussed in small working groups. Against a set of criteria developed by the students themselves, they will be encouraged to draw their own conclusions regarding media development trends in Southeast Asia.

After the Fall of Suharto, Indonesia experienced the emergence of 12 major media groups that control 100% of national commercial television, five out of six newspapers with the highest circulation, all of the four most popular online news media, and a majority of entertainment radio networks. Hence, two decades after the authoritarian regime in Indonesia ended, the hoped for media democratization has been replaced by a media oligarchy. The two presidential elections of Joko Widodo vs Prabowo Subianto mirrors the development of mass media in post-Soeharto Indonesia. The candidates’ turn to social media has to do with the fact that Indonesia is also one of the top five global users of social media, most of them young. Yet, television remains the most consumed media in Indonesia. But TV and newspapers are often seen as one-sided as they are often owned by business tycoons and politicians behind the same political parties that support the two presidential candidates. So, how does play out for tech-savvy young Indonesians do not trust conventional media?

Laos, in comparison, is a one-party state that dominates all aspects of politics and harshly restricts civil liberties. This includes media censorship, incl. a recent 'cyber crime law' trying to control social media. The government owns all newspapers and broadcast media but Thai TV is the most popular media, while Lao national Radio is the only media with local (e.g. weather, markets, agriculture, health) and simple language. News coverage in the country in general is limited by the remoteness of some areas, repression of domestic media, and the opaque nature of the regime. However, among those with web access, social media are gaining in popularity while Laos remains one of the ‘least connected countries’ in Asia. Yet, some observers regard social media and the internet "the core of civil society".

Block-/weekend seminar in English
Literature mostly in English
Presentations, case studies, films, moderated exercises and small working groups

Manfred Oepen completed studies of communication and political studies at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany and at Stanford University in the United States. Since 1983, he has been involved in development communication as author, lecturer, moderator and consultant of development assistance projects in more than 20 countries. Most of his experiences and competencies are related to the supporting role communication and non-formal education play in rural and urban civil society participation and environmental contexts in Southeast Asia.
Since 1993, he has been general manager of a private consulting company, ACT Assist - Appropriate Communication in Development, specializing in communication strategy design and media support. Currently, Manfred Oepen assists projects in Laos, Indonesia, Central Asia and the South Caucasus on behalf of GIZ and KfW.
In 1993, his company in cooperation with FU Berlin organized a conference on "Media Support and Development Communication in a World of Change", and in 2003 Manfred Oepen was in charge of a BMZ sector analysis "Media Assistance as Part of German Development Cooperation". At the "World Conference on Communication for Development" organized by the World Bank and FAO in Rome in 2006, he presented a concept paper "Strategic Communication for Sustainable Development" on behalf of GIZ. In 2012, he coordinated the Media Map Project on international media assistance in Indonesia on behalf of the World Bank Institute.

Block 1 (4 hrs) on 25 Oct, 2019, 14-17:30 (incl. a 30 min break)
Block 2 (8 hrs) on 26 Oct, 2019, 10-18:00 (incl. lunch + coffee break)
Block 3 (8 hrs) on 21 Dec, 2019, 10-18:00 (incl. lunch + coffee break)
Block 4 (8 hrs) on 11 Jan, 2019, 10-18:00 (incl. lunch + coffee break)


Die Lehrveranstaltung wird diese Zusammenhänge anhand von Projektbeispielen in Indonesien, Laos und Vietnam praxisnah vermitteln und die Studierenden anleiten, Fallbeispiele in Kleingruppen zu erarbeiten.

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  • Die AAI-Prüfungsbteilung trägt grds. keine Scheine in STiNE ein (Ausnahme: externe Leistungen aus anderen Universitäten, die anerkannt werden). Die Lehrenden tragen die Bewertungen/Noten in STiNE selbst ein.
  • Nur wenn Sie sich in STiNE angemeldet haben und der/die Lehrende die Bewertungen in STiNE eingetragen hat, kann die Prüfungsabteilung für Sie Transcript of Records (Notenblatt) und/oder Zeugnisse erstellen.
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Überwiegend in englischer Sprache. Bitte sehen Sie hierzu die Hinweise unter "Literatur /Sprache: Englisch".

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Fr, 25. Okt. 2019 14:00 18:00 ESA O 121 Manfred Oepen
2 Sa, 26. Okt. 2019 10:00 18:00 ESA O 121 Manfred Oepen
3 Sa, 21. Dez. 2019 10:00 18:00 ESA O 121 Manfred Oepen
4 Sa, 11. Jan. 2020 10:00 18:00 ESA O 121 Manfred Oepen
Veranstaltungseigene Prüfungen
Beschreibung Datum Lehrende Pflicht
1. Studienleistung k.Terminbuchung Ja
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Manfred Oepen