22-40.035 Behavioral Economics


Lehrende: Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange

Veranstaltungsart: Interaktive Lehrveranstaltung

Anzeige im Stundenplan: 22-40.060

Semesterwochenstunden: 3

Credits: 6,0

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 45

Kommentare/ Inhalte:
The aim of this course is to give an introduction into the field of Behavioral Economics

Behavioral Economics integrates several psychological insights into formal economic models. As such, it attempts to increase the explanatory power of economic models by incorporating a better basis of human behavior. The traditional canonic model of economic behavior had been based upon a rational economic agent who maximizes a narrowly defined self-interest. In many situations, e.g. when social norms are important or when decisions are made in intertemporal contexts, this canonic model often generated predictions that are inconsistent with empirical evidence.

This course presents experimental evidence and new models in different areas of Behavioral Economics. We discuss experimental evidence that motivated the development of these models and apply them to different economic problems.

We will always discuss implications for different economic contexts and give examples and potential policy implications. These relate, for example, to issues in Behavioral Labor Economics, Behavioral Finance, and Behavioral Game Theory.

Unfortunately, there is still no comprehensive textbook that fully covers this course. The course material therefore consists primarily of journal articles and class notes. It is helpful to read some chapters of the textbooks given below. Throughout the course, I will point out articles that are required to be read and will be discussed by all students in class (Not all the articles given below will be required to be read!). Some of the classes will involve students’ discussions and presentations of selected articles. These will be assigned in class.

In order to develop a thorough understanding of key economic aspects of Behavioral Economics, each student is expected to actively participate in the course. This involves reading (ahead) the provided material and journal articles, as well as actively participating in discussions and submitting homework assignments as well as being able to present those in class.

See file.

Zusätzliche Hinweise zu Prüfungen:
The grade will be based on a presentation given in class as well as on a term paper. The topic of the term paper will be decided in personal consultation. The presentation of the research paper in class can be given in groups of 2 students. Here, students present the most important (interesting) insights of the paper and additionally guide the group discussion. The final sessions are reserved for presentations of (preliminary) ideas for the term paper which is due March 1.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Do, 17. Okt. 2019 09:00 12:00 WiWi 2095/2197 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange
2 Do, 24. Okt. 2019 09:00 12:00 WiWi 2095/2197 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange
3 Do, 7. Nov. 2019 09:00 12:00 WiWi 2095/2197 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange
4 Do, 14. Nov. 2019 09:00 12:00 WiWi 2095/2197 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange
5 Do, 21. Nov. 2019 09:00 12:00 WiWi 2095/2197 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange
6 Do, 28. Nov. 2019 09:00 12:00 WiWi 2095/2197 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange
7 Do, 5. Dez. 2019 09:00 12:00 WiWi 2095/2197 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange
8 Do, 12. Dez. 2019 09:00 12:00 WiWi 2095/2197 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange
9 Do, 19. Dez. 2019 09:00 12:00 WiWi 2095/2197 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange
10 Do, 9. Jan. 2020 09:00 12:00 WiWi 2095/2197 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange
11 Do, 16. Jan. 2020 09:00 12:00 WiWi 2095/2197 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange
12 Do, 23. Jan. 2020 09:00 12:00 WiWi 2095/2197 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange
13 Do, 30. Jan. 2020 09:00 12:00 WiWi 2095/2197 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange
Prüfungen im Rahmen von Modulen
Modul (Startsemester)/ Kurs Leistungs­kombination Prüfung Datum Lehrende Bestehens­pflicht
22-3.E09 Behavioral Economics (WiSe 19/20) / 22-4.pm3.2  Behavioral Economics Klausur oder mündliche Prüfung 1  Klausur Fr, 14. Feb. 2020, 14:15 - 15:15 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange Ja
2  Klausur Do, 11. Jun. 2020, 09:15 - 10:15 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange Ja
22-3.E09 Behavioural Economics (WiSe 18/19) / 22-4.pm3.2  Behavioral Economics Klausur oder mündliche Prüfung 3  Klausur Fr, 14. Feb. 2020, 14:15 - 15:15 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange Ja
4  Klausur Do, 11. Jun. 2020, 09:15 - 10:15 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange Ja
22-3.E09 Behavioural Economics (WiSe 17/18) / 22-4.pm3.2  Behavioral Economics Klausur oder mündliche Prüfung 5  Klausur Fr, 14. Feb. 2020, 14:15 - 15:15 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange Ja
6  Klausur Do, 11. Jun. 2020, 09:15 - 10:15 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange Ja
22-3.E09 Behavioural Economics (WiSe 16/17) / 22-4.pm3.2  Behavioral Economics Klausur oder mündliche Prüfung 7  Klausur Fr, 14. Feb. 2020, 14:15 - 15:15 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange Ja
8  Klausur Do, 11. Jun. 2020, 09:15 - 10:15 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange Ja
22-4.PM3 Individual and Collective Decisions (SoSe 19) / 22-4.pm3.2  Behavioral Economics Klausur 1  Klausur Fr, 14. Feb. 2020, 14:15 - 15:15 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange Ja
2  Klausur Do, 11. Jun. 2020, 09:15 - 10:15 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange Ja
22-4.PM3 Individual and Collective Decisions (SoSe 18) / 22-4.pm3.2  Behavioral Economics Klausur 3  Klausur Fr, 14. Feb. 2020, 14:15 - 15:15 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange Ja
4  Klausur Do, 11. Jun. 2020, 09:15 - 10:15 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange Ja
22-4.PM3 Individual and Collective Decisions (SoSe 17) / 22-4.pm3.2  Behavioral Economics Klausur 5  Klausur Fr, 14. Feb. 2020, 14:15 - 15:15 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange Ja
6  Klausur Do, 11. Jun. 2020, 09:15 - 10:15 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange Ja
PEP_PM3 Individual and Collective Decisions (SoSe 16) / 22-4.pm3.2  Behavioral Economics Blockprüfung 7  Klausur Fr, 14. Feb. 2020, 14:15 - 15:15 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange Ja
8  Klausur Do, 11. Jun. 2020, 09:15 - 10:15 Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange Ja
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange