Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences >  Department of Earth System Sciences >  C. Masterstudiengang Geowissenschaften >  Vertiefung Bodenkunde

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
63-310 Soil diversity and International Soil Classification
Prof. Dr. Lars Kutzbach; Fay Niobe Lexmond
Wed, 29. Nov. 2023 [14:15] - Th, 15. Feb. 2024 [18:00]
Seminar/practical course
63-311 Element Cycles of Terrestrial Systems
Dr. Claudia Fiencke; Dr. Christian Knoblauch
Tue, 17. Oct. 2023 [10:15] - Tue, 30. Jan. 2024 [11:45]
63-312 Past and ongoing soil carbon dynamics of ecosystems in the coastal zone
Dr. Joscha Becker; Prof. Dr. Lars Kutzbach; Dr. Sebastian Lindhorst; Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schmiedl
Fri, 20. Oct. 2023 [15:00] - Fri, 2. Feb. 2024 [16:45]
63-313 Dynamic Modelling of Ecosystem Processes
Prof. Dr. Christian Beer
Tue, 17. Oct. 2023 [10:00] - Tue, 30. Jan. 2024 [12:00]
63-316 Resarch methods in soil science
Prof. Dr. Annette Eschenbach; Dr. Mathias Johannes Spieckermann
Fri, 20. Oct. 2023 [10:15] - Fri, 2. Feb. 2024 [11:45]
Lecture + seminar
63-317 Analysis and evaluation of soils
Dr. Joscha Becker; Prof. Dr. Annette Eschenbach
Internship with integrated seminar
63-319 Instruction to self-dependent scientific work
Dr. Claudia Fiencke; Dr. Christian Knoblauch; Prof. Dr. Lars Kutzbach
63-320 Permafrost soils and landscapes in the climate system
Prof. Dr. Christian Beer; Prof. Dr. Lars Kutzbach
Fri, 20. Oct. 2023 [10:15] - Fri, 2. Feb. 2024 [11:45]
63-321 Using the eddy covariance approach for analysing land-atmosphere fluxes of energy and matter
Dr. David Holl
Mon, 5. Feb. 2024 [13:00] - Fri, 9. Feb. 2024 [16:00]
Lecture + practical course
63-322 Application of stable isotopes in terrestrial ecosystems
Dr. Christian Knoblauch
Mon, 26. Feb. 2024 [08:30] - Fri, 1. Mar. 2024 [18:00]
Lecture + practical course