Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences >  Lehramts-Teilstudiengänge Sozialwissenschaften >  Degree Component Social Sciences (Bachelor) >  Wahlschwerpunkt Politikwissenschaft/Soziologie/VWL (nur LA Gym, 1. UF)

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
22-50.100 Kontroversen der Wirtschaftspolitik [digital]
Dr. Michael Paetz
Th, 14. Oct. 2021 [10:15] - Th, 27. Jan. 2022 [11:45]
22-50.101 Contemporary Topics in Economic Policy
Dr. Martin Sauber
Th, 14. Oct. 2021 [12:15] - Th, 27. Jan. 2022 [13:45]
23-35.41.212 Behavioral Economics in the Context of the Corona Pandemic
Philip Huynh; Prof. Dr. Johanna Kokot
Wed, 13. Oct. 2021 [12:15] - Wed, 26. Jan. 2022 [13:45]
23-35.42.212 The Political Economy of Racism
Dr. Leo Roepert
Tue, 12. Oct. 2021 [16:15] - Tue, 25. Jan. 2022 [17:45]
23-35.43.212 The Emergence and Reproduction of Occupational Inequality
Dr. Frederike Esche
Th, 14. Oct. 2021 [12:15] - Th, 27. Jan. 2022 [13:45]
23-35.44.212 Economics of Immigration
Dr. Kristin Paetz
Wed, 13. Oct. 2021 [08:15] - Wed, 26. Jan. 2022 [09:45]
23-35.45.212 Plural Economics: Neoliberal Beliefs
Dr. Martin Sauber
Mon, 11. Oct. 2021 [16:15] - Mon, 24. Jan. 2022 [17:45]
23-35.46.212 Subjective Well-being and Social Inequality
Prof. Dr. Petra Böhnke
Wed, 13. Oct. 2021 [10:15] - Wed, 26. Jan. 2022 [11:45]
24-115.11 Covid-19 and Violent Conflict in the Global South
Prof. Dr. Matthias Basedau
Mon, 11. Oct. 2021 [14:15] - Mon, 17. Jan. 2022 [17:45]
24-115.12 Introduction to Political Systems in East Asia
Prof. Dr. Patrick Köllner
Fri, 15. Oct. 2021 [08:15] - Fri, 28. Jan. 2022 [09:45]
24-116.11 Global Climate and Energy Governance
Prof. Dr. Franziska Müller
Tue, 12. Oct. 2021 [10:15] - Tue, 25. Jan. 2022 [11:45]
24-116.12 United Nations and Global Governance
Prof. Dr. Elvira Rosert
Tue, 12. Oct. 2021 [12:15] - Tue, 18. Jan. 2022 [15:45]
24-117.11 Tyranny, Despotism, Dictatorship: History of Autocratic Ideas
Carlos Eduardo Perez Crespo
Mon, 11. Oct. 2021 [10:15] - Mon, 24. Jan. 2022 [11:45]
24-408.50 Socio-Ecological Transformations and Conflicts about Sustainability
Hauke Feddersen
Wed, 13. Oct. 2021 [10:15] - Wed, 26. Jan. 2022 [11:45]
Follow-up seminar
24-408.51 Social-Ecological Transformation. The Example of the Automotive Industry
PD Dr. Silke Ötsch
Tue, 12. Oct. 2021 [14:15] - Tue, 18. Jan. 2022 [17:45]
Follow-up seminar
24-408.52 Valorization and Devaluation. The Economy of Values in Modern Capitalism
Marco Hohmann
Fri, 8. Oct. 2021 [14:15] - Sat, 11. Dec. 2021 [16:15]
Follow-up seminar
24-408.53 Introduction to Working with Scales Based on the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP)
Hinrich Wildfang
Mon, 11. Oct. 2021 [10:15] - Mon, 24. Jan. 2022 [11:45]
Follow-up seminar
24-408.54 Datafication and Information Inequality: News Professionals and Audiences in a Global Perspective [digital]
Nadja Schaetz
Tue, 12. Oct. 2021 [16:15] - Tue, 25. Jan. 2022 [17:45]
Follow-up seminar
24-408.55 Digital Social Science: Theories and Approaches
Prof. Dr. Achim Oberg
Th, 14. Oct. 2021 [14:15] - Th, 27. Jan. 2022 [15:45]
Follow-up seminar
24-408.56 Digital Social Science: Algorithms and Tools
Olaf Kellermeier
Th, 14. Oct. 2021 [16:15] - Th, 27. Jan. 2022 [17:45]
Follow-up seminar
24-408.57 Theories of Social Conflicts
Janis Ewen
Tue, 12. Oct. 2021 [12:15] - Tue, 25. Jan. 2022 [13:45]
Follow-up seminar
24-408.58 Pride and Prejudice - Distinction and Belonging in Sociological Theory
Nadine Maser
Tue, 12. Oct. 2021 [10:15] - Tue, 25. Jan. 2022 [11:45]
Follow-up seminar
24-408.60 New Sociology of Valuation: Ratings, Rankings and the Social Construction of Worth
Dr. Natalia Paula Besedovsky
Mon, 11. Oct. 2021 [16:15] - Mon, 24. Jan. 2022 [17:45]
Follow-up seminar
24-408.62 Death and Dying in a Changing World [Präsenz, aktuell digital]
Angela Pohlmann
Mon, 11. Oct. 2021 [14:15] - Mon, 24. Jan. 2022 [15:45]
Follow-up seminar
24-408.63 Technology, Utopias and Science Fiction
Andreas Möllenkamp
Th, 14. Oct. 2021 [16:15] - Th, 20. Jan. 2022 [19:45]
Follow-up seminar
24-408.65 Bio-Digital-Public. Health in the Light of Societal Challenges
Prof. Dr. Sabine Maasen; Femke Julia Opper
Th, 14. Oct. 2021 [08:15] - Th, 27. Jan. 2022 [09:45]
Follow-up seminar
24-408.66 Culture & Nutrition: Restrictions & Taboos [Präsenz, aktuell digital]
Dr. Pamela Kerschke-Risch
Th, 14. Oct. 2021 [14:15] - Th, 27. Jan. 2022 [15:45]
Follow-up seminar
24-408.67 Critical Sociology of fhe Migration Society
Dr. Radostin Kaloianov
Fri, 22. Oct. 2021 [16:00] - Fri, 28. Jan. 2022 [18:00]
Follow-up seminar
24-408.68 Misogyny in Online Public Spheres
Dr. Monika Pater
Mon, 11. Oct. 2021 [14:15] - Mon, 24. Jan. 2022 [15:45]
Follow-up seminar