Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Humanities >  Fachbereich Evangelische Theologie >  BA Evangelische Theologie im Nebenfach >  Schwerpunktbereich >  Schwerpunkt Missions-, Ökumene- und Religionswissenschaften >  EvT 4-MÖR Zentrale Themen

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
51-61.01.1 An Introduction to Religious Studies
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Auga
Fri, 21. Oct. 2022 [12:15] - Fri, 3. Feb. 2023 [13:45]
51-61.02.1 Religion in South and East Asia
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Auga
Tue, 18. Oct. 2022 [10:15] - Tue, 31. Jan. 2023 [11:45]
51-65.02.1 Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk. Challenges of Private Spaceflight for Life and Religion in the Digital Space Age
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Auga
Th, 20. Oct. 2022 [12:15] - Th, 2. Feb. 2023 [13:45]
Advanced seminar
51-65.03.1 Visuality and Performativity in Christianity and Buddhism
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Auga
Th, 20. Oct. 2022 [14:15] - Th, 2. Feb. 2023 [15:45]
Advanced seminar