Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences >  Department of Physics >  C1. For students of Physics (MSc) >  I. Advanced master's courses (1st year) >  Laser physics and photonics >  a) Experimental physics >  Module PHY-MV-LP-E21: Ultrafast optical physics II (5 CP)

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
66-270 Ultrafast optical physics II
Prof. Dr. Francesca Calegari; Prof. Dr. Franz Xaver Kärtner
Fri, 5. Apr. 2019 [08:30] - Fri, 12. Jul. 2019 [10:00]
66-271 Exercises in ultrafast optical physics II
Prof. Dr. Francesca Calegari; Prof. Dr. Franz Xaver Kärtner
Fri, 5. Apr. 2019 [10:30] - Fri, 12. Jul. 2019 [12:00]
Practical course/lab