Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences >  Department of Informatics >  D. Bachelor of Science Human-Computer Interaction >  1. Pflichtbereich Informatik >  Modul InfB-MK: Methodenkompetenz

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
64-111 Scientific methods and research ethics in computer science
Laura Vanessa Eva Fichtner
Tue, 19. Oct. 2021 [12:15] - Tue, 25. Jan. 2022 [13:45]
General Professional Skills courses
64-112 Presentation techniques
Jakob Immer
Mon, 18. Oct. 2021 [12:00] - Mon, 29. Nov. 2021 [16:00]
General Professional Skills courses
64-113 From Data to Knowledge: AI-based Scientific Workflows for Knowledge Generation
Dr. Manfred Eppe
Wed, 13. Oct. 2021 [12:15] - Wed, 26. Jan. 2022 [13:45]
General Professional Skills courses
64-114 Ethics Workshop: Doing Ethics Assessment in Informatics
Jason Branford
Sat, 13. Nov. 2021 [09:00] - Sun, 21. Nov. 2021 [17:00]
General Professional Skills courses
64-116 Do your own research? - Development of competences of scientific work
Dr. Lothar Hotz
Mon, 11. Oct. 2021 [12:15] - Mon, 24. Jan. 2022 [13:45]
General Professional Skills courses
64-119 Self and time management
Jakob Immer
Th, 21. Oct. 2021 [12:00] - Th, 2. Dec. 2021 [16:00]
General Professional Skills courses