Course catalogue

Overview >  Teacher training degrees – free elective area B.Ed. >  Interkulturelle und sprachliche Kompetenzen

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
42-569 Ich hab' da mal 'ne Frage - Gesprächsführung und Beratungskompetenz als Basiskompetenz pädagogischen Handelns
Christoph Henriksen; Prof. Dr. Gabriele Ricken
Wed, 5. Apr. 2023 [10:15] - Wed, 12. Jul. 2023 [11:45]
44-205 Fake news and the development of intercultural competence at school
Prof. Dr. Silvia Maria Martins Melo Pfeifer
Mon, 3. Apr. 2023 [14:00] - Mon, 11. Sep. 2023 [16:00]
44-701 Performance as political and social intervention
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sting
Wed, 5. Apr. 2023 [10:15] - Wed, 12. Jul. 2023 [12:45]
45-714 Language explicit teaching in theory and practice
Büsra Oruc