Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Humanities >  Fachbereich Geschichte >  Lehrveranstaltungen speziell für den B.A.-Studiengang HAMBORD

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
54-021 Mentoring HamBord
Prof. Dr. Philippe Depreux
Fri, 5. Apr. 2019 [14:00] - Fri, 12. Jul. 2019 [16:00]
Practical course/lab
54-202 Of Women in Men’s Clothes, Heroic Leaders and the Querelle des Sexes – Gender in Early Modern France and the Holy Roman Empire
Elisabeth Katharina Fischer
Tue, 2. Apr. 2019 [12:00] - Tue, 9. Jul. 2019 [14:00]
Introductory seminar
54-236 The Devils of Loudun. A Religious Event of the 17th Century and its Reception in Historiography, Literature, Music and Film (Exercise and Excursion)
Prof. Dr. Markus Friedrich
Th, 25. Apr. 2019 [08:00] - Th, 27. Jun. 2019 [12:00]
Practical course/lab