Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty Business, Economics and Social Sciences >  Department of Social Sciences >  Political Science >  I. Political Science (BA, Major) >  Basic Module 3: Governance in Political Multi-Level Systems

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
24-103.20 Governance in Political Multi-Level Systems
Dr. Frank Wendler
Th, 4. Apr. 2019 [14:15] - Th, 11. Jul. 2019 [15:45]
24-103.21 Resource Conflicts
Prof. Dr. Matthias Basedau
Mon, 1. Apr. 2019 [16:15] - Mon, 8. Jul. 2019 [17:45]
Reading course
24-103.22 Future of Europe? Law and Politics in the EU
Kim Kristin Henningsen
Tue, 2. Apr. 2019 [12:15] - Tue, 9. Jul. 2019 [13:45]
Reading course
24-103.23 ENTFÄLLT: Lektürekurs: Regieren in politischen Mehrebenensystemen
Reading course
24-103.24 State and Perspectives of Participation and Direct Democracy in Germany
Dirk Petsch
Fri, 12. Apr. 2019 [11:15] - Fri, 12. Jul. 2019 [14:45]
Reading course
24-103.25 Climate and Energy Policy in the European Union
Dr. Hildegard Bedarff
Wed, 3. Apr. 2019 [16:15] - Wed, 10. Jul. 2019 [17:45]
Reading course
24-103.26 Communicating with Politicians: Between Parliament, Social Media, and Election Campaigning
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jessica Kunert
Th, 4. Apr. 2019 [10:15] - Th, 11. Jul. 2019 [11:45]
Reading course