Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences >  Department of Socioecomomics >  BA Socioeconomics >  Drittes Studienjahr >  Schwerpunktfach Rechtswissenschaft >  Ausgewählte Probleme des Wirtschafts- und Arbeitsrechts

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
23-22.11.212 Current Developments in Labour Law
Prof. Dr. Marita Körner
Wed, 13. Oct. 2021 [08:15] - Wed, 26. Jan. 2022 [11:45]
23-22.12.212 Dealing with the Corona Crisis – Legally, Economically and Socially
Prof. Dr. Kai-Oliver Knops
Tue, 12. Oct. 2021 [10:00] - Sun, 23. Jan. 2022 [17:00]