Course catalogue

Overview >  Miscellanious courses and events >  Lehrveranstaltungen für das Kontaktstudium: Offenes Bildungsprogramm der UHH >  Fakultät für Geisteswissenschaften >  Lehrangebote MA Religionen, Dialog und Bildung sowie Alevitische und Islamische Theologie

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
58-02-10 Lecture: History of the Islamic World
Tugrul Kurt
Wed, 5. Apr. 2023 [18:00] - Wed, 12. Jul. 2023 [19:30]
58-02-11 Lecture Theology intercultural - Islamic Religion
Tugrul Kurt
Fri, 14. Apr. 2023 [12:15] - Fri, 14. Jul. 2023 [13:45]
58-03-10 Judaism and religious diversity in religious education. Religious differences – interreligious competencies
Janne Braband; Dr. Anna Körs
Mon, 17. Apr. 2023 [18:15] - Mon, 10. Jul. 2023 [19:45]
Lecture series
58-03-11 Lecture: Alevi history and sources
PD Dr. Hüseyin Aguicenoglu
Tue, 4. Apr. 2023 [14:15] - Tue, 11. Jul. 2023 [15:45]