Course catalogue

Overview >  Interdisciplinary studies >  Nebenfach-Studiengang Lateinamerika-Studien >  Literaturwissenschaft

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
53-793 Hegel, cumbia and despair: Argentinian poetry of the 90', between high culture and popular culture
Luis Miguel Varela Herrera
Wed, 4. Nov. 2020 [16:15] - Wed, 17. Feb. 2021 [17:45]
Seminar 1b
53-795 The crime short story in Spain and Hispanic America
Prof. Dr. Inke Gunia
Th, 5. Nov. 2020 [10:15] - Th, 18. Feb. 2021 [11:45]
Seminar 1b
53-861 Cape Verde in literature and music: people, geography and colonial relations in poetry and narrative
Isabel Francisco
Tue, 3. Nov. 2020 [10:15] - Tue, 16. Feb. 2021 [11:45]
Seminar 1b