Course catalogue

Overview >  Interdisciplinary studies >  Nebenfachstudiengang Osteuropastudien >  Ausrichtungen >  Historische Musikwissenschaft

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
56-701 VL (2 LP) The History of Music: An Overview T
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Geiger
Mon, 1. Apr. 2019 [10:00] - Mon, 8. Jul. 2019 [12:00]
56-701 VL+Ü (6 LP) The History of Music: An Overview
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Geiger; Tobias Knickmann
Mon, 1. Apr. 2019 [10:00] - Mon, 8. Jul. 2019 [13:00]
Lecture + practical course