Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Business Administration >  B. Master-Studiengänge >  III. Lehramt an beruflichen Schulen (M.Ed.) >  1. Module aus Allgemeine BWL und Methoden

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
85-006 Market Research
Prof. Dr. Karen Gedenk
Fri, 8. Apr. 2022 [14:00] - Fri, 15. Jul. 2022 [16:00]
Lecture + practical course
85-017 Business Intelligence and Data Mining
Dr. Robert Stahlbock
Mon, 4. Apr. 2022 [14:00] - Mon, 11. Jul. 2022 [17:00]
Lecture + practical course
86-901 Financial Statement Analysis and Reporting
Prof. Dr. Siegfried Grotherr
Wed, 6. Apr. 2022 [08:00] - Wed, 13. Jul. 2022 [10:00]
Lecture + practical course