Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences >  Fachbereich Chemie >  E) Masterstudiengänge >  E1) Chemie >  Wahlbereich >  CHE 095 B: Methoden der Industriellen Forschung

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
62-095.3 Methods in industrial research
Dr. Werner Pauer
Tue, 6. Apr. 2021 [17:15] - Tue, 27. Apr. 2021 [20:00]
62-095.4 Chemical safety
Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Moritz; Dr. Werner Pauer
Th, 8. Apr. 2021 [08:30] - Th, 3. Jun. 2021 [10:00]